Nitin Ram is an engineer by profession, He ran a successful business for 26 years. He then shifted gears to pursue his inner calling. He is now a life mentor, a spiritual teacher and for a spirited few, a hard core non-duality guide. The only purpose in his life is to share what he has been gifted by his Masters, Osho and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
In 2008, during the making of the film
'Tatvamasi - You Are ' on his Master Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, the ultimate stateless state a human being is designed for was revealed. He describes it as 'The Fulfilled Emptiness'.
Since then, he has been conducting talks and interactive sessions all over the country.
He has guided scientists at BARC , Mumbai and also had talks at MIT, Pune. He also conducts residential spiritual retreats for physical, mental as well as spiritual well being with his self reminder and thoughtful meditation techniques.
Discover the inspiring journey and transformative work of Nitin Ram: