Greetings Palia Housing Enthusiasts
Welcome to "Tiny Dragon Studios"
Your door to the world of Palia Glitching Tutorials
a Bit about my Palian journey
Around a month into playing was when I joined the official Discord Community which lead to me writing tutorials, which lead to me shooting videos to post on Youtube, which lead to starting a discord to archive those tutorials which has now lead to streaming on Twitch. It's been a bit of a wild ride.
I've always been that player in MMO's that loves helping the new players figure out the world. Over the past year I've found myself falling in love with teaching however though it's not that surprising since I come from a long line of teachers. You could almost say it's in my blood.
At my core though I would say that I'm a maker - there's nothing more satisfying than having an idea in your head take shape in front of your eyes. It doesn't really matter if it's the real world or the digital one, the feeling doesn't change.