Hello! Friends 👋नमस्कार 🙏
You can make a lot of money from the stock market, you can't even imagine how much, but friend,
You can also lose a lot of money without understanding the stock market properly. Therefore, without knowledge and practice, you should not invest money in the stock market.
Friends, on this channel, you give information related to stock market from basic to advance level.
All my video are only for education and learning purpose. Please don't take risk on you hard earn money on the basis of my videose.
स्टॉक मार्केट से आप बहुत पैसा बना सकते हैं आप सोच भी नहीं सकते कितना🤔🤔🤔, लेकिन दोस्त,
बिना स्टॉक मार्केट को बढ़िया से समझे आप बहुत पैसा गवां भी सकते हैं | इसलिए बिना ज्ञान और practice के आप शेयर बाजर में पैसा ना लगायें |
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