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Dan Musselman

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Music to bring God’s peace and presence to your day. I lov

Dan Musselman
4 days ago - 843 likes

God made you, and he has commissioned you to be a unique part of bringing heaven to earth. Don't shy away from it, this is a holy and amazing calling he has given all of us.

Dan Musselman
1 week ago - 677 likes

God is full of grace and mercy, and he is so eager to welcome us back to him. When we fall more and more in love with God we care less about the outward appearance, and increasingly more about a pure heart.

Dan Musselman
2 weeks ago - 792 likes

"But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!"

Such a cautionary teaching for all of us. Seek the light, constantly. Keep making sure that the light looks, feels, talks, and walks like Jesus. Otherwise, the light we think we have might actually be darkness.

Dan Musselman
3 weeks ago - 958 likes

"A disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do."
- Dallas Willard

Dan Musselman
1 month ago - 1.2K likes

"The surest mark of true conversion is humility."
- J.C. Ryle

Dan Musselman
1 month ago - 1.1K likes

A reminder for us today:
God is always near, always wanting to help.

Dan Musselman
1 month ago - 754 likes

"One of the hardest things in the world is to be right and not hurt other people with it."
- Dallas Willard

Dan Musselman
1 month ago - 648 likes

Is there someone you know that you've built a relationship that is ready to learn more about Jesus? It's an incredible gift you could give them.

Dan Musselman
1 month ago - 823 likes

Is there something that continually worries you? Today, take a few extra minutes to tell God about it, don't hold anything back.

And then, spend an extra few minutes thanking God for what he has already done in your life.

Dan Musselman
2 months ago - 839 likes

"The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity."
- Dallas Willard