Overseas Education Consultant
Study abroad & local
Best ever career opportunity
Visa & accomodation assistance
Call today for a free consultance
I feel fortunate to be on a professional journey that actually makes me do what I love. This journey is probably best summarized by stating that I:
...surround myself with world class talent. I aspire to join them, recruit them, develop them and invest in them.
...keep myself in the center of the most positively disruptive technologies at any given time.
...am energized by building great businesses and helping people improve their lives.
What the next decades will bring is limited only by the ideas, dreams and the ability to successfully execute at scale.
Specialities: Organizational Leadership, Career Couselling, Domestic and International Career Guidance, Study Abroad Consultation, Visa Assistance, Talent Acquisition and Suggesting them with best Career opportunities available to them.