Edo Berger is a big man hug of funny.
Edo won several Dutch comedy festivals before expanding to performing in English. His performances have brought him to Moscow, Budapest, Oslo, Edinburgh and Tokyo, among others.
Edo tends to chase any idea that comes into his head like a puppy behind a firetruck. As a result, he built a museum out of cardboard for a Spanish village, scored a summer hit called 'Girls with Ice Cream' and spent six weeks creating a deepfake of famous film scenes for his sister's wedding.
He worked as a journalist and presenter for several youth shows on radio and TV. For the Dutch radio station 3FM he made items in Latvia and South Africa and for the public broadcaster NCRV he kept a videoblog of his experiences as a volunteer in an orphanage in Nepal.
In 2013, he created the documentary Dictator van de Comedy, on the comedian’s love for anecdotes about horrible comedy gigs.