Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
PLUMMCORP is a clothing company/record label with an advertising department. These videos serve exclusively as advertisements for PLUMMCORP, and are not considered to be a large-scale project or investment.
Who runs this company?
Randall Thymes is the current CEO of PLUMMCORP.
Wasn't there another channel?
Yes. PLUMMCORP RECORDS. There was an advertising schedule set in place from day 1 which would lead up to the final release of dracula flow 5.
Are these ads comedy?
Open to interpretation.
What is the PAD?
The PLUMMCORP Ad Division is the core writing team for these ads. They are classically trained.
Some PLUMMCORP actors are starting their own show/project with their PLUMMCORP character. Is PLUMMCORP involved?
Unless stated otherwise by PLUMMCORP, PLUMMCORP has no involvement with its current/ex actors and their personal projects, but we encourage solo initiatives in principle and we wish our actors the best with their endeavors.