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Squidge Rugby

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A desperate attempt to understand a sport where not even the

Squidge Rugby
2 weeks ago - 163 likes

Taking a little bit of time away so no video this week, but in the absence of a Premiership Final review, feels like our Northampton Saints deep dive has aged pretty well-

Squidge Rugby
2 months ago - 1.6K likes

It's finally happening! This Sunday, the long-awaited, long-deleted review of the 2023 Rugby World Cup Final is back! 8pm UK time, 9pm South Africa, 7am New Zealand. Immediately after the finale of Chasing the Sun airs in South Africa, it'll be live once again!

Squidge Rugby
7 months ago - 5.3K likes

As many of you may have noticed, after just a few hours online, last night’s video on the 2023 Rugby World Cup Final has been taken down manually by an employee of World Rugby, and copyright strike given to the channel.

Apologies to anyone who didn’t get the chance to watch it before it came down. Some 60+ hours of work went into that one video, so rest assured we shall try our upmost to get it restored, and are currently in contact with World Rugby to try and resolve the situation. Fingers crossed some progress is made soon.

Squidge Rugby
8 months ago - 2K likes

A Wales video was well underway and we were starting a Portugal one. Eyeing up a quarter-final preview. Then I fell backwards down the stairs in the night, put my head through some drywall and injured my neck & back. Afraid my Dave Cherry moment is going to further-delay the already much slower videos thanks to the footage situation. Really sorry everyone, still gonna aim to get something done and with you before the quarter-finals this weekend!

Squidge Rugby
1 year ago - 235 likes

It's fantasy rugby season again!! This year, the Six Nations themselves have offered a free Six Nations jersey of your choice to winner of the Squidge Rugby Fantasy League- Make your team and sign up here, and prove you know waayyyyy more about rugby than I do, once and for all!
Link to join:…

Squidge Rugby
2 years ago - 380 likes

For everyone who's ever wanted it, Andrew has clipped together every name I've called Joblot Sextroll and it's truly extraordinary to witness...

Squidge Rugby
2 years ago - 1.5K likes

Hello! A video on the two epic tests between the All Blacks and Springboks, particularly focused on the second, is finished, done, but unfortunately caught up in factors beyond my control meaning I can't upload it yet. I'm hoping it'll be up and with you all on Monday, and worth the wait! Apologies for the delay, but it's on it's way!

Squidge Rugby
3 years ago - 1.7K likes

AN UPDATE- I was well underway working on a video on Bledisloe 3, only for my videos on matches 1 & 2 to be removed from YouTube. I have contacted SANZAAR and hope to find a way to work with them on this, but in the meantime at least, I'm afraid I won't be able to cover the Tri-Nations, and have had to scrap what I had on the weekend's game. Huge apologies to everyone who was looking forward to it, and my coverage of the coming matches. Hopefully I hear back from SANZAAR soon and can get things rolling.

I'm also working on videos on the final round of the Six Nations, but have had a number of irritating technical issues so am behind schedule. Still aiming to have videos on all three matches out before the first game of the Autumn Nations Cup on the 13th.

Hope you're all keeping well, and good luck especially to all those whose countries are either already or about to go back into lockdown. All the best, and hope you all understand.

Squidge Rugby
4 years ago - 252 likes

The 1st episode of the new Squidge Rugby spin-off podcast is here! We begin our look back at the 2011 Rugby World Cup with New Zealand's six-try win over Tonga, and celebrate the moment an unheralded Tongan prop flattened Dan Carter before going on to score himself...

Available wherever you get podcasts, and at the link below!…

Squidge Rugby
4 years ago - 414 likes

The Squidge Rugby Film Club will be taking a pause this week for the first in a series of proper deep dives into fascinating rugby stories, starting with just how did Uruguay upset the 300-1 odds to beat Fiji and overperform so spectacularly at last year's World Cup?

Coming to a YouTube near you this Friday!