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Welcome to FishingBuddies, we are a father and son fishing c

Hilarious epic FAIL! #fishing #funny #fyp #carpfishing #carp Back on the carp! #fishing #carpfishing #carp #fish #winterfishing #fyp Christmas is HERE!!! #christmas #snow #trending #shorts Nice mirror! #fishing #bait #carps #trending #carpfishing #shorts Lovely mirror carp! #fishing #bait #carpfishing #carp #fishingshorts #shorts #trending Back at it again! #carpfishing #fishing #fishing #shorts #trending #bait #fish #carp Did we catch a BIG fish on a mini fishing rod? #fishing #fish #trending #shorts #mini Fun day of pole fishing! #trending #fishing #fish #polefishing #shorts Fun days fishing at my local lake! #fishing #trending #fish #shorts NGT electric broiler crusher!!! #fishing #bait #short #trending #fishingequipment Animals that are bigger than you think! Part 8! 🐟😱😨 #scary #fishfacts #shorts #fishing Great little session!!! #fishing #carp #fish #trending #carpfishing #fishingequipment #angling BOOM! #fish #fishing #carpfishing #carp #shorts #trending Beauty!!! #trending #fishing #carp #fish #carpfishing #angling #shorts Beauty! #fishing #carp #trending #fish #carpfish #fishingequipment #angling That is a massive fish… #fishing #shorts Beautiful lake! #carp #fishing #carpfishing #trending #fish #carpfish #carpy I think that’s a carp… #fishing #carp #fish #carpfishing #trending #shorts Beautiful mirror!!! #fishing #carp #fish #carpfishing #angling #trending #shorts HUGE carp! #trending #carp #fish #fishing #carpfishing #carpy #angling #shorts Monster carp release! #carpfishingbaits #fish #trending #fishing #carp #fishingequipment Hundreds of fish!!! #fish #trending #fishing #carpfishingbaits #shorts Double figure carp! #carpfishing #fish #trending #fishing #carp #angling Beauty! #carpfishing #fish #trending #fishing #carping #carp Best looking fish EVER!!! #carpfishing #fishingequipment #fishing #trending #carping #carp #shorts BEAUTIFUL LAKE! #carpfishing #fishingequipment #fishing #trending #carp #angling What a BEAUTY!!! #fishing #carpfishing #bigcarp #trending #bait #shorts Match WINNING fish?! #fishing #shorts #trending Beautiful lake!!! #shorts #trending Fishing in a STORM!!! #bigcarp #fishing #bait #carpfishing #trending #shorts This animal could survive the end of the world! #shorts Complete FAIL!!! #fishing #funny #shorts Quest for a MONSTER!!! #fish #bait #fishing #bigcarp #trending #carpfishing #short All set... #short Terrifying animals! #scary #animals #fish #short #trending BEAST!!! #fishing #fish #trending #bait #carp #bigcarp #short The dunk test... #fishing #carpy #carpfish #carp #fish #carpfishing #funny #short #trending That was a mistake... #funny #satisfying #trending #short CHUNKY carp release!!! #fishing #fish #carpy #trending #carp #shorts Beautiful perch!!! #fishing #fish #trending #shorts #perch There he goes... #fishing #shorts #funny Beautiful lake!!! #fishing #trending #fish all set... #fishing #short #fishing In the net!!! #trending #carpy #carp #carpworld #fishing GREAT fishing session!!! #trending #carp #carpy #carpworld #fish #fishing Carp release!!! #trending #carpy #carp #fish #fishing