Welcome to my channel,
I want to show you the fun life that I live with my family, with Rock Concerts, Wrestlemania, Live Sporting events, our sport cars and yes The Coconut Palms that are like my babies and I will show you from the time I receive them, to removing the outer shell, root training, and pruning of the coconut bonsai.
We are now pleased to announce our new Rottweiler Puppy Bella, she should bring some fun pet videos to the channel. See her IG page BelleTheSoCalRotty
www.daniel420.com is the official website for America's Coconut Bonsai Trees. It's not weed related but my name in bible verse, see below. I also want to share the new brand name of "Coconutty"
Daniel 4:20 - The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth.