Hi !
It feels so nice and warm to see you here. You're like my second family now, Since you all are 'the' very next, I spend most of my time, after my family. Big Hugs...
Passion, I'm a Photographer, and professionally working hard to get an image of an official YouTuber, you are my biggest strength along the way.
I started this channel to put up my photography tutorials, but then I figured out there are still a lot of things to learn about Light Camera and Flash before I'd possibly teach others about it. so by the time I got there, I thought to make some videos just for learning.
But, in mid, one of my videos went viral, and I got some good reviews and lots of positive energy from my friends.
That was the day when i started doing un-boxing and Review videos. and sometimes things that are trending and in the News limelight.
This is why I decided to keep my channel's name 'Experts Beyond' This opens a broader area of topics for me
Always Grateful
Experts Beyond