I was born in Brazil, I lived many years in Paris and now my home is Italy, where I have my origins. I am a journalist by university formation and vocation. I am a photographer and sociologist (Ethnographer). I currently work with the humanitarian and social area. Since 2014, when he was still in his mother's womb, I've been Matis' dad, the best thing that ever happened to me. I have loved him and desired him since it was conceived.
I'm not romantic. I'm not Brazilian, not even Italian. I'm not straight, nor gay.
To this question , in childhood , my friends always gave the same answer: " The Gash!" I, however, replied : "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life". The question was: "What do you like most in life really?"
I was destined to sensitivity. I was destined to become a Socio-Photographer! I was destined to become Jot Tagliavini!
I Love it: Wine, Cinema, art, the Sea, the truffes, a good food (eat slow).