Hey welcome to Raising Sonshines.
A community of Moms raising happy, healthy and Godly Sonshines.
A little about me, my name is Tola, a #momofboys raisingĀ 3 Sonshines, ages 16, 10, 2 and the Lord laid this vision on my heart.Ā
His vision is to see His sons fulfill their purpose, and He is counting on each one of us. Recent statistics about the boy child is not encouraging.
We cannot sit in the sidelines and let our Sons be among the negative statistics, it doesn't have to be this way, it shouldn't be this way!
That's why we call you to join us as we start this conversation, which is our mission:
To raise healthy, happy and of course Godly Sons.
Please follow us, tag anyone #raisingsonshinesĀ