I decided to do this channel as a means of celebrating my demented mom with everyone. Especially other caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones. Caregiving is not an easy feat! It is even worse when your loved one is living with dementia. Having watched dementia ruin the lives of many beautiful families, we know this journey may not get easier, but we are determined to fight it to the end. It requires a whole lot of patience, dedication and love. Yes! Caregivers too need a medium to destress. Hence, I will also be using this channel as means for me to destress.
Mommy and I will share our little fun moments with you. From time to time, we take silly walks with God while admiring the beauty all around us. We are eternally grateful for life and even though Mommy is living with memory loss, she has not forgotten God. Having these periodic walks does wonders for her and keep us focused on living. For me, I am eternally grateful for these moments while fighting dementia.