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Edward okelly

557 subscribers - no pronouns set donate if you want

Edward okelly
1 week ago - 2 likes

SORRY GUYS no minecraft stream today some how i was sleeping way to long sorry about that

but if you think about it some of my live videos do not make as many veiws as my videos or even my shorts

so do me a favour go watch one of my lives and get over a 100 veiws and il try to do a live stream in the week other wise minecraft will have to wait till next thursday sorry again

Edward okelly
3 weeks ago - 0 likes go watch it if you believe you have nothing to offer dharman dude

Edward okelly
3 weeks ago - 2 likes

this is picture of dragon city enjoy

Edward okelly
3 weeks ago - 0 likes

hey all you crazy people out there thanks again for being awesome just wanted to give you heads up i might be playing a new game well new to my channel so if you know dragon city text me and we could battle or trade dragons or share ideas on what to breed

i played dragon city before so if seems like i know to much dont worry and if need to know something or have tips for our dragon friends just jot them down

also i might start a discord for dragon city so you can post pictures of your dragons or videos of your time in the world

thanks again for helping me and our fellow champions of being awesome

Edward okelly
2 months ago - 2 likes

check my only fans post do you think its hot or will it get to cold let me know il show more sexy pictures

Edward okelly
3 months ago - 0 likes

question: if you subcribe (its free) because you liked something why would you unsubcribe ? i mean just turn of notifications for that channel if they post to much

in short please subcribe it helps us streamers out so when you unsubcribe it hurts us alittle

when we ask if there is anything wanna see us do and you dont leave any comments its crazy

any way short thank you all for the at the moment 480 subcribers thank you stay awesome