Determined to help bring Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) music back to life for a new generation, international Ladino singer Sarah Aroeste travels the globe fusing both original and 15th-century Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) folk songs with her unique blend of rock, pop and jazz. Aroeste has released eight recordings, A la Una: In the Beginning (2003), Puertas (2007), Gracia (2012), Ora de Despertar (2016), Together/Endjuntos (2017), Monastir (2021), Hanuká (2021) and Savor (2023). In addition to performing music, Aroeste also writes children's books with Sephardic themes and creates web series to highlight Ladino books, proverbs and other fun tidbits for all ages. Bringing a contemporary and inspiring vision to Sephardic culture, Sarah Aroeste has helped to transform and revitalize the Ladino tradition.
For more information, and to download the music, visit: