Join us for the truth about entrepreneurship. On this channel we interview entrepreneurs and Subject Matter Experts about the process of starting, growing and sustaining a business. We have discovered on this journey that this space is not for the faint of heart. It requires a vision, discipline, consistency, mentorship, and belief that you can achieve your dreams.
Anita Pierce is the Founder and CEO of Eleven3seven5, and host and producer of the real journey of entrepreneurship & the Brownsville Minute.
Eleven3seven5 is a New York based Business Consultancy, We are dedicated to forging a powerful and intentional connection between business success and social impact. We inspire organizations, from startups to enterprises, to realize their full potential by integrating social responsibility into their DNA.
#eleven3seven5, #adopebizcoachfrombrooklyn
The Real Journey of the entrepreneur airs Mondays at 7:05, The Brownsville Minute airs Thursdays at 7:05