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Iiris Linnea

343 subscribers - no pronouns set

Hi! My name is Iiris Linnea. I am a writer, speaker, artist

Iiris Linnea
2 months ago - 2 likes

Uusimmassa Me Naiset -lehdessΓ€ on minun & avanneleikatun Maija-Kaisan haastattelu. Kerromme tarinaamme ja elΓ€mΓ€stΓ€ avanteen kanssa. :)

Juttu on luettavissa myâs Me Naisten verkkosivuilla, linkki alla. 😊

Teksti: Josefiina Kivioja
Kuva: Riina Peuhu / Me Naiset…

A Finnish women's magazine published an interview with me and another ostomate Maija-Kaisa about life with an ostomy. The pictures turned out lovely I think. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ

Iiris Linnea
5 months ago - 3 likes

I'm wishing you a good beginning for this new year. πŸ’™βœ¨

If more and more people started using their true potential and skills, how much wonderful change would we create in this world?

There's strength, potential and talent in you! How can you put it to good use for yourself and others? πŸ’™

P.S. If you missed my short video from the Christmas circus performance, you can watch it here:

Iiris Linnea
6 months ago - 2 likes

Have you yet seen my hoop dance video? ✨ Here's a picture of the dreamcatcher stoma bag I was wearing while performing. I created the artwork first and then noticed that it matched my hula hoops perfectly!

You can watch the video here πŸ™‚:

Iiris Linnea
8 months ago - 3 likes

Yhteinen taival -23

Hello everyone! I've shared a few pictures of the art I create on my stoma bags on my videos. I also make other kind of art, like watercolour paintings. :)

This painting was a wedding gift to my dear friend. I enjoy painting animals, and especially love spirit / power animals. That's why I chose to create a picture of a rabbit and a wolf. The rabbit is an important animal to my friend, and I heard she had once said her husband would be a wolf.

I named this artwork Yhteinen taival which is Finnish and a poetic way of saying 'the shared journey'. πŸ’™

Do you create art or handicrafts? :) I hope you're all feeling well. πŸ’œ

(Click the post for a full photo!)

Iiris Linnea
10 months ago - 5 likes

Welcome everyone who have joined my channel in the past few months 🌸 Thank you for being here and for sharing your comments, stories & feedback! :)

It's late summer in Finland and a good time for harvesting berries. I've been picking blueberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, and also apples. I put the berries in the freezer for the winter, and the apples I usually dehydrate. My mother makes jam and juice too. πŸ’œ

I'm going to film some new content soon. In the meantime, take care and enjoy the beginning of autumn / spring :)🌸

Iiris Linnea
1 year ago - 4 likes

Last week I gave a presentation to ostomy nurses at a seminar in Helsinki. I talked about living with an ostomy courageously and the art I create on my stoma bags.

In my next video, I'm going to answer a few questions people usually have about an ostomy. I had these same questions in mind before my first ostomy operation.

Is there something you'd like to know about a stoma? Share in the comments below or send me a message! πŸ’™

Pictures of the art I create on my stoma bags: