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Cawnawyn Mor

96 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Cawnawyn Mor is a composer, astrologer, and eclectic witch.

I wrote music for Dionysus #dionysus #paganmusic #maenad "Ravens chewing..." The Phantom Queen Lyric Text #irishpaganism #themorrigan I wrote a song for Hades and Persephone #hades #persephone #greekmythology The Notorious King and Queen of the Underworld #hades #persephone #greekmythology Lupercalia Blessings to You! #lupercalia #faun #paganfolk I wrote music for the Dread Queen Persephone #persephone #kore #hades "Rise, Kings of Macha!" The Phantom Queen Lyric Text #themorrigan #irishpaganism #phantomqueen "One filled her heart's desires..." #myrkur #folkesange #leavesofyggdrasil 🎶 Turning, turning, turning of the year… 🌱✨ #imbolc #brigid #wheeloftheyear 2025 ASTROLOGY WORKSHOP AVAILABLE ONLINE! ✨ 2025 ASTROLOGY WORKSHOP AVAILABLE ONLINE! ✨ "Kapsoura" New Music from Cawnawyn Mor! #greekpantheon #persephone #hades #hekate New Album "Kapsoura" 12.19.2024 “Standing Stone” Rosc Poetry #rosc #irishpaganism #themorrigan "I, the Red Mouthed Badb..." The Phantom Queen Lyric Text #irishpaganism #themorrigan Blessed Samhain to you! 🔥💀🖤 "Dark one, are you restless?" The Phantom Queen Lyric Text #irishpaganism #themorrigan "Seasons changing fast..." My favorite witchy autumn song! #witchmusic #musicwitch #autumnwitch "Sovereign Spirit" Single Out Now! #witchmusic #paganmusic #paganfolk Blessed Autumnal Equinox to you! #mabon #fallequinox #witchmusic WHAT'S YOUR SIGN? | Unlocking the Deeper Magick of your Sun Sign YOUR MOON SIGN | Connecting Magick with your most Intimate Astrology "don't resist..." #witchy #bonfire #runningferal #luna "Sith co nem..." The Phantom Queen Lyric Text #irishpaganism #themorrigan New Single "Sovereign Spirit" 9.15.2024 "Impatient to be..." #tvinna #skymning #paganmusic The Old Ways #loreenamckennitt #paganmusic "Kings! Arise to battle!" The Phantom Queen Lyric Text My work for The Morrígan: Then vs. Now #irishpaganism #themorrigan Blessed Summer Solstice to you! 🌞🌹✨ #summersolstice #litha #solsticeritual "A prayer to the Great Queen..." #irishpaganism #themorrigan #paganprayer "I will arise and go to Innisfree..." #faunpaganfolk #faun #paganmusic "You find me in the twilight..." #tvinna #bynorse #witchmusic What does singing in Old Irish sound like? #irishmusic #ireland #irishpaganism "Sky full of stars..." #trobardemorte #witchmusic #paganmusic Blessed Bealtaine to you! #beltane #firefestival #witchcraft #sabbat *This* is my Book of Days Spring Awaken!