Lazy Daze RV Renovation | Travel | Urban Homesteading | Snowboarding
Hi! My name is Linda. I am determined to give myself and my daughter lots of adventures and travel experiences despite the challenges of being a single mom. I'm a former dancer, NFL cheerleader, and fitness competitor and now a photographer, snowboarder and mother raising a teenage daughter on my own as well as helping to take care of my aging mother. I have been renovating a 1996 Lazy Daze RV so we can travel the country. But when not traveling, I have been building an urban homestead not only to save money but to also provide healthy foods for my family.
I am new to making videos and vlogging, but as a photographer, I enjoy learning this new medium and finding different ways to express myself and be creative. I feel so blessed and grateful for all of the support and encouragement I have been shown so far and I look forward to building and connecting with this community even more in the future. Thank you so much!!