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• Miraculous shadow •

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Hey guys, hope you all enjoy the videos I make, there will b

• Miraculous shadow •
6 months ago - 43 likes

Hello everyone!!! Unrelated question! Who do you ship Furina with in genshin???

If none of the ones in the polls are the ones you agree with comment them in the comment section :)

This is definitely something unrelated 😗 hehe 🙃

• Miraculous shadow •
10 months ago - 76 likes

New GCMV coming out soon!!! Stay tuned!!!

• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 41 likes

Hey guys I know I said I was gonna post a vid of a music vid before I still am it’s just gonna take a little while longer, since I’m starting my exams that’s gonna end at around early June and I need to focus on it. Really sorry about this 😞😞

Hope you’ll have a good time and see you all again in June! I’ll make sure to post mid or late June!

Have a miraculous day/night everyone!!!!!

• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 69 likes

Currently making the scream music video! Going to take a while hope ya’ll are excited!!

Update on making!

• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 21 likes

Anyone watched scream 6????
Cause if you did, you must agree that is was amazing!!!
I would recommend watching it to people who like to watch horror (not the kind that has ghost or monster, but the kind that has lots of killing)

Anyway why am I saying this you might ask? Well it’s because I was thinking to make a music video about it. Don’t worry tho I’ll get back to MLB after it. Sooooo would you like it???

• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 34 likes

Someone please tell me why KineMaster made this so damn big now!!! Like come on the one before was so much better it was even big the last water mark! Ughhhhhh >:(

• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 46 likes


For those who’ve been waiting for me to be online again thanks for waiting!!! Anyway going to try and post at least once every one or two weeks!!!

And guys what!!! I’ve got a new AU idea coming up hope y’all are ready for that!!!

Anyway this is just to update you guys!!!

Hope y’all have a miraculous day wherever you are!!!!


• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 143 likes

Family Portrait Anime Drawing Style

Time: 15 hours

For: My guardian for her Birthday :)

On the top left: My guardian
On the right: My Aunt
On the head: My lovely cat
On the bottom left: Me :)


Hey everyone,
sorry that I haven’t been posting for a while. I’ve been busy doing my summer holiday hw which is due at the start of the year 😞.
I’m also going to be very busy for the next three years (I think) this is because well it’s a very important up coming year 😫 and that mean I need to prioritize on my studies more 😢.

But don’t worry 😉 that doesn’t mean I’m not going to post videos at all! I’ll probably post like one or two times a month!! You see I have a lot of ideas for new videos! So I hope ya’ll can be patient with me and wait for the up coming video 😁

See you nerds in the next video :)

Have a miraculous day everyone!

• Miraculous shadow •
1 year ago - 123 likes

Finally finished making the video 😅 sorry that it took sooo long!!!!
Anyways making a new one :) RIP my break 😂

• Miraculous shadow •
2 years ago - 196 likes

New video coming soon!!!