Man is a tripartite being, spirit, soul and body. Our soul consists of our mind, will and emotions, oftentimes we neglect to care for our soul and struggle through life. The prosperity if the soul is the foundation of the prosperity of every other area of our being.
This channel brings you wholesome content that will bring health and healing to your soul, live your best life, set and achieve goals in line with your values, feel good about yourself, recover from traumatic experiences and develop a healthy self esteem.
Jola-Grace Emmanuel is the Soul Doctor, she is passionate about HEALING and HEALTH of the Soul.
She's a Mental Health Advocate; a certified Life & Trauma Recovery Coach, Certified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, a Neuro Linguistic Programming Therapist, an Emotional Freedom Technique & Matrix Reimprinting Therapist. She offers one on one therapy and coaching sessions as well as group sessions. She is also a public speaker.
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