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I'm a Philosopher Here to Help You Study, Think, and Read De

17 hours ago - 549 likes

Doing some research for new videos. I love everything I've ever read by Mortimer Adler. His syntopicon is the most underrated book ever. This book is also brilliant. Pretty wild to see how hard he goes against alphabetical organization methods haha but I got to this chapter on libraries this morning and I think it's going to help me organize my own! How fortuitous πŸ˜… but I may employ something like Francis Bacon's tricotomy, which he based on his understanding of the three-fold division of the human faculties: memory, imagination, and reason.

Memory would cover history books, I think all reference books, nature guide books, commentaries and such.

Imagination is easy. My SF and fantasy and all fiction.

Reason is philosophy, systematic theology, productivity, language learning, physics, psychology.

I'm not totally sold but it could be a start atleast.

Also, I'm not sure if that's a genuine Mortimer Adler signature. If it is then I should not have written in this book πŸ˜…πŸ˜‘

1 day ago - 488 likes

I was invited to contribute to a book on Warhammer 40k and Theology. I wasn't sure about this universe but some of you recommended it to me and then there's Henry Cavill's continuous endorsements haha so I decided to jump it. My essay won't be due for a year or more so I have plenty of time to jump in. I hear this is a good start book-wise and Lorehammer is the podcast to listen to. Any 40k folks out here have other resources for me?

4 days ago - 394 likes

A special livestream coming your way Friday, June 28th with β€ͺ@_jared‬! Get pumped and come ask us some questions!

6 days ago - 856 likes

Nice! My paper on the philosophy of mind, artificial general intelligence, and consciousness was accepted into the journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness lol the perfect place for it πŸ™ŒπŸ€–πŸ€–πŸ€– gotta figure out some more details but I'm hoping to make the penultimate draft available on my Substack, Parker's Ponderings πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

1 week ago - 489 likes

New short story up on Sages, Mages, and Wisdom Machines, my short story section of my substack. This one is a different take on Fredric Brown's fantastic story "Answer". My short stories are much goofier than I plan for my science fantasy space opera to be but I think they'll help me hone my skills as I prep for the big one. Check the latest story out here:

1 week ago - 882 likes

I've wanted to write a philosophical SF novel since becoming a book worm 11 years ago. I'm finally doing it. I definitely like writing SF shorts more because you can be way weirder without making your readers mad. Their time investment is far less so they'll let you botch a story or goof them a bit more. But I'm going to buckle down and actually write a novel. I'm still in research phase but I think I have the skeleton of the plot down, there are one or two sections that I need to figure out and then I can make a more detailed outline. I'm reading a ton of SF now to prime the pump and hopefully avoid overdone tropes or spin them in fresh(ish) ways. Lots of my philosopher friends love SF and for many, it's the reason they got into philosophy in the first place. Would be cool to see more philosophers writing fiction. Maybe if mine doesn't suck too bad it could be an encouragement to others πŸ˜…

1 week ago - 371 likes

More fan mail today πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ thanks so much Abby! Congrats on the book sale! Really glad I could help even in a small way and glad yoir editor didn't kill you. Thanks for these book recommendations, I'll pick them up πŸ’ͺ I'll hit you back with a letter and ParkNotes sticker when they come in 🀝🀝 I appreciate you!

I love fan mail! If you guys wanna send me something use that address in the picture

Parker Settecase
1940 N Municipal Way
Unit 369
Round Lake, IL 60073

And if you don't want me to post the contents of the letter or whatever else you send just let me know. You guys are awesome. I'm sending the first 50 people to send me a letter ans/or something cool a ParkNotes sticker and some Parker's Pensées stickers or buttons. You guys are the coolest 🫑

2 weeks ago - 380 likes

Some more fan mail today! Thanks so much King Cole the Old Soul 🀝🀝 I just ordered some new ParkNotes stickers, I think I got like 50. So for the first 50 people to send me a letter, I'm going to send you one back with a ParkNotes sticker once they come it. I may keep that going and reorder some more because getting these letters is definitely a highlight of my day! Thank you al for reaching out. This is awesome.

2 weeks ago - 718 likes

My daughter is worried about what happens to younglings in our house πŸ˜… but told worry, she'll be trained well. Working on a cool video on the sith for you guys! But I'm also pumped we just hit 3k subscribers on my Substack!!! Thanks for subscribing, reading my stuff--especially my short stories-- and thanks especially especially to my paid subscribers! This is becoming one of the best ways to support my work. You guys are awesome. I have another short story in the works dealing with a debate in the philosophy of biology. Hopefully it'll be out this week on my Substack here:

2 weeks ago - 512 likes

More fan mail today! Thanks for sticking with me since the beginning, Taylor! So pumped you like my stuff and thanks for these cool stickers! I'm glad to provide people with a chance to write physical letters. I just started writing letters again last year and it's a game changer. I'm looking forward to writing you back as well as the others who've send me fan mail 🫑 but for now I'll say thanks on here 🀝🀝