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Welcome to my Channel! Here I talk about various action game

2 months ago - 40 likes

As I work on more videos, I've come to the realization that I would love to talk about a wide range of subjects. However I always have my audience in mind because without you guys, my channel wouldn't be where it is now.

So I would love to ask: Do you guys prefer if I talk about video games in general or do you guys mind if I talk about other subjects?

2 months ago - 95 likes

What is the most FUN DMC enemy that you guys like to fight?

For me, personally, I enjoy fighting Frosts in DMC4.

3 months ago - 62 likes

My script for the next video I have is going smoothly. I should be finished today with it.

I'm also playing Dragon's Dogma 2 atm and I'm having quite a blast.

Unfortunately though, I heard news that DSPGaming will be playing it. So there's a small chance I'll might have to work on a video afterwards if he says something outlandish.

3 months ago - 83 likes

Which Dante is the hardest to play to YOU?

3 months ago - 111 likes

Alright now since I done with my DSP video, I'm going back to talking about video games again.

Most likely I'ma continue my idea about DMC4 Dante and why he can be frustrating to learn.

3 months ago - 60 likes

Before I work any further on this DMC4 video I have planned, I gotta something else I want to talk about.

It'll make a lot of sense once the video is up. lmao

4 months ago - 169 likes

Alright, next idea for my new video is that I want to go back to DMC4 and discuss what makes Dante so hard to learn/play as.

I feel like it's a good topic because it took a long time for a loooot of people to learn how to style with him, myself included. This will give me time to prepare for Ninja Gaiden, since I really wanna talk about the series' combat.

4 months ago - 148 likes

Been on hiatus for awhile since I've gotten a new job but rest assured, I'm not dead.

Whenever I can, I'ma resume creating YouTube content. I'm unsure what kind of schedule I can make but again, my goal is to output 1 video a month.

As for the last topic I wanted to cover, I feel like I'ma have to scrap that idea and talk about something else since I'm not 100% satisfied with what I had last time I worked on it.

Sorry I've been away without a word. I've mostly wanted to take a break and get used to my new job so things on YouTube have been at a standstill.

10 months ago - 263 likes

Not gonna lie, been taking a much needed break from YT content creation to relax and play various games for a bit (Armored Core 6 had my attention for the past few days).

Also been much more focused on art as well and job searching. I don't plan on ceasing making YouTube content but don't expect the weekly uploads like I used to do.

I'm still planning on finishing up my Player Expression video but most likely it'll be done next month instead. Sorry for the wait guys.

10 months ago - 100 likes

Still working on my script for my next video and everything is going along smoothly.

In the meantime, what are the WORST action games that you've ever played? I'm talking about BAD ones. Right now, I have an idea in mind to talk about Devil's Hunt, which I had assumed it was a solid game at first but it's honestly really friggin bad.