The founder President of Jeevan Jyoti International Ministries Dr. Bishop Amos Singh has been involved for the great commission work for the past forty years, entirely among the non-Christians, under the calling of Apostolical umbrela. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, from 1980 -2020 above 20,000 gentiles have been baptized and accepted Christ as their personal savior. The ministerial fields holds 15,000 believers from across __15_ sates and 2500 vilages of 35 different religion and people groups, giving their active participation. We have 10000___ prayer cells and 40 mega churches with 200 full time pastor and 200 evangelists. We have different phases of ministries like women ministry, children ministry, power ministry, youth ministry, media ministry, prayer warriors intercessory ministrtyтАжтАжтАж.. Each and every single person (leader) who is. Involved with this ministry stands with the high calling and anointing with full dedication and strength for Christ.