Poetry is a truly elegant talent, and yet it can be so frustrating to complete a poem all by oneself. Our website, "Poemsbykids.com," gives aspiring poets the chance to share their work and receive feedback from peers as well as professional poets. In the Ovels category, authors are presented with a basic idea for an ovel after which the story branches off in several different directions. Authors then submit their ending each week and we publish their work if it fits the description.
If you are into any of the poets on this channel you can find them on TikTok:
1. Celia @thepowerhouseofthecel
2.Benjamiinc @benjamiinc
3. Ivan Nicholo Meneses @ivannicholomeneses
4. Joey Kidney @joeykidney
Any and all content posted on this channel has been copyrighted, stitched or borrowed. if you have any problem with the content on this channel or feel you content has been misused or posted without your permission or consent, please reach out to use to make the necessary corrections.