in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Worked on carving the archetype of the unconscious natural man, Iron John, written about by one of my heroes in the Men's Health space, Robert Bly. This one has a "Pan" element to the carving as well, and was done across a few weekends... as a way of connecting with intuition and the inner strength.
I hope you, reading this, are able to find and connect with your own path of insight too!
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I'm passionate about promoting Good people, and Good ideas, and I really believe in the good that the public service can do for our society. I'm interested in finding other channels out there that help, that inspire, that motivate public servants and leaders to do better... and ways that I could promote the good ideas I've got on this channel better!
Would love to have you spread the link to this site, for the intention of spreading good ideas!
Thank you in advance
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Insightful Path is the lifelong vision of its founder, James Samana, and has come into fruition with the help (and encouragement) of his wife, Rachael Shields. My mission is to create workplaces where organisations and people can thrive by providing:
* evidence based leadership tools for better decision-making;
* practices to build self-awareness and mastery; and
* a confidence to empower leaders while they grow in their career.
In short, I help individuals and groups connect and bring a more mindful presence to their work, their life, and their community.
I am inspired by thinkers and passionate people who work to move society forward!
Services include learning design, facilitation, and coaching - as well as a variety of blogs and videos which contain thoughts and useful pieces of information to help you and my clients bring their best self to the fore in order to affect reforms in the way we live, work, and lead.