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Hikma History

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Hello & Salam! My name's Tariq and I run Hikma History, ded

Hikma History
1 day ago - 101 likes

Iran's had a very revolutionary modern history. In the 20th century, it had 3 episodes where the people rose up against the government and sought to create a more equitable society, to varying degrees of success. In my latest video (1 hour documentary!) I uncover how Iranians were driven to the point of desperation and what came of all this revolutionary sentiment:

Hikma History
2 months ago - 146 likes

Next video will be out in a few days! Until then, check out my latest video if you haven't already - it's a long format documentary on the epic Nader Shah Afshar:

Hikma History
2 months ago - 227 likes

The Zands are an often forgotten dynasty. Although they ruled for a short period of time (1751-1794), their reign was vital for much of Iran as it gave the country a respite from decades of decline and war. Check out my latest video for more information:

Hikma History
3 months ago - 311 likes

The Durrani Empire (1747-1823) was one of the most powerful Muslim states under its founder Ahmad Shah Durrani. Using the martial prowess of the Afghans, Ahmad Shah launched a series of invasions into Hindustan. As well as extorting the Mughals, he also served as their protector from the Marathas. But within 50 years of Ahmad Shah's death in 1772, the empire would fracture and dissolve. Find out more about this fascinating polity in the latest feature-length documentary I released:

Hikma History
4 months ago - 230 likes

The Ottomans created one of history's greatest empires. At its heights, its realm spanned from Ukraine to Iraq. Its architectural achievements are evident throughout the Balkans and Middle East. The Ottoman military machine terrified Europe for centuries. But all this success & grandeur, how did it come to be? Check out the latest video on How The Ottomans Became So Powerful:

Hikma History
5 months ago - 71 likes

I've recently started helping my brothers ‪@BasharatBrothers‬ with their channel and just dropped a video! If you're interested in MMA or are fans of my bros, go check it out! Hikma History will be dropping a brand new video in a few days - it will be one a Middle Eastern Coup that America played a major role in... can you guess what it is?

Hikma History
6 months ago - 281 likes

In August 1990, Saddam invaded Kuwait. The international community was outraged, warning the Iraqi leader to withdraw immediately. Saddam stood defiant. By January 1991, the USA and the vast Coalition it had assembled launched its attack. What ensued was a a unanimous defeat for the Iraqi forces and established America's reputation as the sole superpower. For more, watch here:

Hikma History
7 months ago - 223 likes

Iran's history over the last 4 decades has been shaped by the Revolution of 1979 that brought the Ayatollahs into power. Protesting against the corruption of Mohammad Shah Pahlavi, millions of Iranians went to the streets to voice their displeasure against the status quo. Ayatollah Khomeini and others saw an opportunity amidst the revolutionary chaos to implement their rule and have stayed there ever since. For more check out my latest video:

Hikma History
8 months ago - 111 likes

Do you think a non-violent resolution that is permanent is possible for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

Hikma History
8 months ago - 203 likes

Saudi Arabia is on track to becoming one of the most powerful country's in the world. It's been a state for less than hundred years, so how did it achieve this so quickly? The simple answer is oil. But if we delve into its modern history, we'll see that Saudi rulers played an important role in astutely using oil revenues to modernise and develop their country. For the full vide, click here: