I am a casual gamer and just really love to play and try out most of the games as much as possible. Most of the content I'm uploading now are for the mobile game, Marvel Strike Force.
I am also known as 'Niknok' of BloodPact guild in a private Ragnarok server named znRO. BloodPact is a guild that prioritizes defense and organizes series of different strategies and tactics to improve their effectivity. The guild is named as one of the best and most organized guilds in the server's history. The guild gave a sense of brotherhood to its members both online and in real life.
My favorite games were Xenogears, Ragnarok Online and NBA 2K series.
For most of the time, I'll be sharing videos of the games that I play. But from time to time I'll also be uploading some highlights of my weekendsor travel adventures.