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Die Hard

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This channel is about people, places and events. From great

Die Hard
1 year ago - 4 likes

Ok, so I know I haven't been active or uploaded anything in quite a while now, which is due to many factors, some personal, some simply because I don't have much content left worthy of working on and sharing. I see there are a whole host of new concert announcements lately, many of which I would love to go to and capture more great footage, unfortunately most of them are simply way too expensive for me to even consider, (Beyonce/Madonna/etc,) as ticket prices seem to just be skyrocketing, especially for the areas that I would want to get tickets for to actually capture footage I'd feel was worth it. The concerts that I would pay to see, (P!nk, Bebe Rexha, etc,) the first is coming to town at the one time of the entire year that I won't be here, and will miss her by only a couple days, and the later isn't coming where I can see her easily. So, I sadly can't promise when the next content will come out, although I'm constantly keeping my eyes open for concert opportunities that are within my more limited budget and near me.

I might have one or two videos left that I can post at some point, but it will require some time and energy to figure that out. I would love to share more joy with people, and hopefully at some point I will encounter some more great concerts to spread, but until then, I hope everyone is safe, happy and enjoying any content, by myself or any other creators, that brings them joy.

Die Hard
1 year ago - 4 likes

Sorry I haven't uploaded more of the Avril Lavigne concert yet, but I'm in the process of completely rebuilding my room, (creating the furniture and rearranging everything,) which will likely take another week or 2, and is taking up basically all of my extra time. Once I am done, (or mostly done,) I can get back to working on more of the videos from the concert.

Die Hard
3 years ago - 26 likes

It is time once again to be surprised and humbled. It appears my channel has actually reached 10,000 subscribers, something I never imagined would actually happen, and I am delighted that so many people have hopefully had a positive and uplifting experience watching some of my videos. It brings joy to me when I can help bring a little joy to other people, so for that, I want to say thank you to everyone and hope I can continue to bring a little bit of joy to you all in the future. I pray you all stay safe and have a happy Easter!

Die Hard
3 years ago - 25 likes

Wow. I am truly shocked, amazed, thankful and quite humbled. Not only one, but two of my videos finally broke 1M views each! I honestly never expected that large a response to any of my videos, figuring only a handful of people would ever actually watch and hopefully get some enjoyment out of them. It delights me that so many people are getting some kind of experience, (which is hopefully positive,) out of what I have shared. I thank everyone for their support and kind words and hope that they continue to get something good out of my videos.

PS: I know I haven't been keeping up much with my account lately. I have been 'detoured' by both health issues, which are still ongoing with testing, and I got a PS5, which has engrossed me, so I have been playing Fallout 76 and No Man's Sky pretty extensively over the past couple months. In honor of the achievement of hitting a million views for the first time on a video, I will work on putting out a video, (or two,) either this weekend or early next week. Thanks again everyone!

Die Hard
3 years ago - 20 likes

So the reason for my absence lately is regarding more tests, which came back hopeful...sort of. They didn't find some of the things they were worried about, which is good, however there are a few things they did discover which they never really explained how bad they can potentially be down the line, if they do indeed present a problem at some point. They also still haven't figured out what is causing all my problems, which means more tests are coming next month. I will try to post a few more videos at some point, I just can't predict exactly when that will be at the current time. I hope everyone is keeping safe, doing well, and enjoying what they can.

Die Hard
3 years ago - 27 likes

So, I wanted to update everyone on a couple things since I've been so preoccupied over the past while and haven't really been active much. There are a few different contributing factors to my absence, the most important being that I have some health issues I'm dealing with and they have left me without much drive to work on things like videos. There are also currently lots of artists performing streaming concerts, which is nice to see and probably overall more interesting to the vast majority of people right now. Another is that I don't have a whole bunch more footage that lives up to my level of quality. With some of the content the video turned out good, or at least decent enough, but the audio is often extremely blown out and you can't hear or understand the artist(s) involved. Seeing as they are generally all about the music, to me this is a big problem and as much as I tried, I was unable to come up with an adequate solution to fix it. However, after going through some of the footage, I have decided that I will work on and release a few more videos, some of which are kind of personal to me for different reasons. I just want to warn people ahead of time that there may be some audio problems with some of the songs, or at the very least in some sections of songs, where the background music overpowers the artist involved. It is the single biggest downfall with using cell phones without more professional audio equipment...

I will work on some stuff over the next while and will try to post a new video at least once a week until I run out of viable content, which sadly may be sooner than later...

Die Hard
4 years ago - 1 likes

The World And More On A Camera A Day:

So, just to inform everyone that is interested, I have started a new channel for anything non-concert related, which will probably mostly feature travel footage and maybe some gaming footage, (although I don't know if I should make yet another channel for that, if I decide to post any of it and anyone is interested.) The main reasons I'm doing this are two-fold. 1) It keeps my content cleaner and people can choose what actually interests them, without getting a ton of irrelevant content. 2) *IF* my other channel gets enough subscribers and views, I can monetize it, which will help me fund future content. Even though I don't do any of this expecting to actually make money, (although it would be lovely to be able to afford to do this stuff full-time,) simply funding a small portion of it would go a long way. Seeing as I can't make money off this channel due to concert footage copyright restrictions, a second channel with my own exclusive content that, (as far as I'm aware,) is not covered by copyright, is the best attempted option. Having said that, if you enjoy my content and are interested in things besides simply concerts, please don't be shy and check out my other channel, (more footage will be posted with time,) and subscribing would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

The channel is:
The World And More On A Camera A Day:

The first video posted is at:

Die Hard
4 years ago - 34 likes

Update: It appears that the videos that were blocked have now been un-blocked, and instead UMG is simply collecting the ad revenue from them. If that continues to be the case with any of the other videos, and they simply collect ad revenue from my videos instead of blocking them entirely so people can't view them at all, I am perfectly fine with that. As I've stated numerous times, I don't record concerts for my own personal profit, but instead to share my experience with those that may not get the same chances, hopefully making someone's day a bit brighter. I've always felt the artists/studios/writers/copyright owners have full rights to make money off the content viewed in my videos, if they so choose to, and hope that going forward, the copyright holders will take that into consideration and do that instead of any other measures.

Die Hard
4 years ago - 46 likes

Just a heads up.

Up until tonight, most of my live Ariana Grande videos that I recorded have been under copyright claim by UMG, which essentially means that any revenue coming from people watching the videos, (basically by ads,) goes to them. I make no money from any of my videos on this channel. I really have no problem with this, as although it is my work 'recording' it, the performance itself belongs to other people and by rights, they should get the appreciation. Tonight, it appears UMG may have changed their policy on live versions of Ariana Grande songs, as my 'Needy' video was unfortunately blocked, meaning that although it still exists online, I am now the only one capable of accessing and re-watching it. My fear is that this could potentially happen to all the rest of my live versions of Ariana Grande songs, so enjoy them while you can. It would be sad, but better than any other outcome, if it was the only video affected, but seeing as how Taylor Swift doesn't allow any of her material to be uploaded and shared, (which is why I never posted any material from The Red Tour, The 1989 Tour, or The Reputation Stadium Tour,) and she will actively take the material down if they find it, I am unsure of what will be the final outcome. The only silver lining is that unlike Taylor Swift, who gives Copyright Strikes, (3 of which will ban your entire account,) it appears right now that UMG with Ariana Grande is only blocking content, meaning that although that content sadly isn't visible, it doesn't effect my account overall, so all my other videos shouldn't be affected. Fingers crossed that 'Needy' is the only video they block.

I really wish artists and studios would reconsider these things, seeing as my videos only serve as promotions for the artists and I make no money from this. People need to realize that every single performance is different and special and we should cherish each one for what it is and how it relates to us. In essence, that's what music is, a constantly evolving celebration of emotion.

Die Hard
4 years ago - 8 likes

Wow! With all the other stuff (real-world) that is going on right now, I missed the fact that my first video reached 500k, half a million views! I'm extremely happy that people are still enjoying the videos I'm recording and publishing and hope to continue to bring everyone some quality content that can put a smile on their faces and a song in their hearts. I say life is so much better when we can all enjoy things together. :-)