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Lura Ayzit (breathwork)

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Building confidence while stuck by releasing pain through br

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
19 hours ago - 0 likes

Join us on a mission to make your dream of a stable body connection come true.

Many people struggle to find their inner voice when it comes to developing a crystal clear intuition and dealing with life struggles that make us believe there is almost no other way out.
The truth is that building body confidence takes years of commitment, advanced self-awareness and a vibrant, enriching support system.

With our one-to-one Breathwork Consultations we offer a variety of ways to keep you on track when it comes to understanding your innermost struggles, being able to make the connection between how you treat your body and what has happened to you, and much more.

Join us on this mission to gravitate towards a more harmonious self-confidence, especially when it comes to owning your body struggles once and for all.

Contact us now to find out more!

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
6 days ago - 3 likes

I cannot sit here and pretend that everything is fine, when you are going through this there is nothing that can be said or done to convince you otherwise.

Through the work of@TealSwanOfficial I have learned to be humble and ask for what I need.

And at this point in my life I am asking for forgiveness.

For wanting to excel, for the revenge I wanted to take on my caretakers, for everything and everyone I didn't let myself be, being a Turkish woman in Germany.

For all the fuck-ups and the long runs.

For all the books I read and the organisms I tried to understand.

For all the deep dives into my emotions and for all the harmful behaviour I tried to understand from previous partners.

For all the things I was ashamed of and for all the hair I plucked out.

#bodydysmorphia #wakeupnow

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
1 week ago - 2 likes

One thing I don't understand about the business world is secrecy and exclusivity.
Why keep all this wisdom to yourself?
Why not share freely.
Why not be one hundred percent transparent.

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
1 week ago - 2 likes

The main reason we neglect ourselves after being ignored throughout our childhood is that when our physical needs were not met, our emotional needs were not met and many other natural needs that we needed to be met in order to survive, thrive and grow, we begin to use all sorts of coping mechanisms.

From alcoholism to binge eating, neglecting one's own physical appearance, eating painfully processed foods, etc.

It takes a lot of undoing. A lot of education. A lot of trauma healing to get out of the shame and guilt that many people feel for having been emotionally avoided or even punished for showing emotional needs.

One of those modalities is to look deeply into what happened in those moments.

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
1 week ago - 1 likes

When I first stepped into the line of trying to solve my problem of not feeling worthy enough in my own body, there were some things I wouldn't notice at first. And that was how I would have relationships. How the drama and unresolved patterns with my family members would affect all areas of my life throughout my life.

It was only when it got so bad that I could no longer feel myself, and I did everything I thought I could do, that I realized that there was something very wrong with staying in a household that seemed to pretend to be caring, but deep down there was only deep suffering and pain.

Today I am firmly convinced that I not only can, but will build things, not because of, but in spite of, having gone through all of this.

What I can tell you is, do not wait too long to take your symptoms seriously.

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
1 week ago - 1 likes

This article highlights the benefits of becoming aware of practicing your breath on a daily basis. Especially if you are going through a dark night of the soul.…

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
1 week ago - 2 likes

I am fundraising because I am building a community based orphanage in Tomar, Portugal.

The purpose of this place is to create more compassion and a place where people without parents can come into their own.
It is no secret that emotional neglect and all kinds of trauma are reasons why modern human suffers.

I myself come from a dysfunctional family system. I broke out of the dynamics of neglect, emotional and physical abuse and am now ready to start my own business in overcoming bodydysmorphia and turning it around for lasting body confidence.

The purpose of this site is to attract sponsors and people of good will to contribute to a place that will not only be an orphanage but a place to be and grow.
The focus needs to be on kids without care systems and outcasts who know deep down who they are here for.

So to avoid further misunderstandings, I invite you to write a message on my social media.

I look forward to hearing from you!
Lura Ayzit

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
1 week ago - 2 likes

I love you

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
3 weeks ago - 1 likes

These calls give you an ultra deep dive into what you need in order to transition from being uncomfortable in your body to being confident in your body!

Check the stories and for new openings!

Please note that you can request a 50% discount on all offers!

Lura Ayzit (breathwork)
3 weeks ago - 1 likes

Hey all!

It is with great pleasure that I can offer you my services of one on one personalized Breathwork Consultation to create a better connection with your body in particular.

Many people struggle to find their inner voice and to know how to get out of harmful aspects of their lives.

And although none of us are perfect, somehow there are people who have experienced greater levels of success when it comes to finding their inner voice and feeling more empowered in their human bodies.

To further this discussion, I invite you to think about all the times you have struggled to choose what to eat, what to wear, and the stagnant feeling of not knowing better and feeling slower with it.

The benefits of understanding the traumatic events that have happened to us and creating a confident approach to one's inner abilities and performance are within the realm of possibility.

This connection to the self has been shown to be found in some healing modalities such as Breathwork; it can help you not only feel less alone, but also thrive in moments of despair.

After all, you want to feel grounded in your own embodiment and aura of self.

If this has piqued your interest, I invite you to be open and come to me by requesting to connect more:

Learn more: +351960135079 (WhatsApp)

And I will see you there!
