About XPG
Xtreme Performance Gear (XPG) is a brand by ADATA, providing high performance products for gamers, e-sport pros, and tech enthusiasts.
XPG works closely with the community and applies insight into consumer needs. Every XPG-branded product surpasses stringent ADATA A+ testing methodology, which ensures the highest standards for superior product stability and ultra-high performance. Not only does the XPG line sport solid technical features, its strength shines through with sheer cool designs that have earned prestigious accolades worldwide such as Good Design from Japan and Taiwan Excellence Gold Award.
XPG delivers extreme gaming experiences to help gamers make every moment exciting.
Xtreme Performance Gear (XPG) 作為威剛集團旗下的高效能品牌,量身打造出與遊戲玩家、電競高手、超頻達人的高效能產品。
XPG秉持著以洞察消費者需求與貼近社群脈動的兩大核心原則,每款卓越的產品皆由電競研發工程師與行銷設計團隊不斷反覆思考後反饋在產品上,最後再通過威剛嚴苛的A Plus檢驗標準測試,賦予了XPG產品穩定耐久與超高性能。享譽業界的產品特性與耀眼的外觀設計,更是屢獲各項國際設計與媒體大獎的肯定。
XPG就是「極限效能體驗 Extreme Gaming Experience」的代名詞,以最頂級的電競配備,誓言跟玩家一起迎戰每一場人心共鳴的戰鬥時刻。