This channel features videos with music from the talented group of musicians (including bands, singer songwriters, soloists, etc.) that have recorded at Miracle Lake Studios.
Tho' we’ve mainly posted Music Videos, we will also post music related videos.
Have you wondered how songs are written and how they’re transformed in the Recording Studio? Ever wondered what a producer does?
We’re planning a series that will begin with “How anyone can write a song “.
Then we’ll take you to the Studio for the recording and producing process and end with a finished recording.
Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to know about.
Keep watching the entire videos for something extra (after the credits).
We’d hoped to post a new video every week, but that’s been a lofty goal that we hope to meet soon, so to be notified, please help support this channel by SUBSCRIBING.
And we LOVE comments, so let us know how we're doing and tell us what you'd like to see.