Welcome to My YouTube Channel!
I mostly do Let's Plays of Video Games and Sometimes I compose music on CML & Bandlab.
Some OC Lore:
BlueFan is my Self-Insert OC. He's currently 16-years-old, an artist, & can age.
Jab Man is 10-years-old. He's my mascot, likes to play video games, & watch YouTube videos. (Birthday is 4/24/20)
Razor is 14-years-old. He's has a grudge against adults, plays video games occasionally, and built Hug Man.
Hug Man is mentally 10-years-old. He's a robot based on JM, enjoys hugging people, & believes that anyone can be good with enough affection.
David is 18-years-old. He teases people, and people believe he makes dumb decisions.
Jessica is 22-years-old. She's JM & Razor's Rival, creates robots for humanity, has a AI daughter named Sarah (like Sage from Sonic).
BlueFan17's Twitter: twitter.com/JabManPrototype