Hello there, if you are a fan of The Elder Scrolls series, you may enjoy my channel! I talk specifically about the lore of The Elder Scrolls games. I'm by no means an expert or "lorebeard" when it comes to the Elder Scrolls, but I really enjoy the series, and if you do too feel free to subscribe or check out some of my content and learn something you may not have already known about The Elder Scrolls. I will try to cover as much as I can on each subject I talk about, I won't leave out anything unless it's incredibly useless information or irrelevant. I'm still a bit new to this and I am also a bit socially isolated, I apologize in advance if my videos aren't top quality, I'm still learning. Also feel free to check out some other channels I have listed on the right, a lot of them pump out really good content, and they are people who inspire me as well! If you've taken the time to read this, I commend you my friend. Thank you for subscribing if you have!