Just like Vasgo de Gama the 1500 Centry Portuguese explorer🌙 my Portuguese Heritage is leading me to Hit the road & Discover the Good Old USA 🇺🇸 hence VanGo Betsy …Turned 60 in 2017 .Been traveling the world since the age of 5. Lived in Brazil for a year ,in Venezuela for six years return to Florida my home state ,Yes I’m a Cracker , went to photo college in Daytona Beach ,photojournalist for 4 years . Moved to Indiana, worked with Bobby Knight doing stills of basketball .WOW was that Fun .. Flying chairs 🙀 forward to Sarasota , Fl. working for Chris Craft Boat many states& Lots of adventures, covering 50ft yachts & Offshore Race boats from helicopters & celebrates .As my parents retired in 1999 (Y2K) had them freaked so I felt it best to be close to them in Central Fl .Built a house , researching the Van Life/ On the road life ..love Bob Wells 🐾
Enjoy some fast Snippets of my Cruze life ☮️