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474 subscribers - no pronouns set

Welcome to my channel, thanks for visiting! I created my fi

1 year ago - 3 likes

Hey there everyone! Thank you for 400 subscribers! 🥳

I have no idea how that happened! 😅 Seriously though, thank you from the bottom of my heart, or the top... which ever part is more important. Never did I ever think I'd get this amount of subscribers! It may not seem like a lot to some people, but it definitely is to me. I'm immensely grateful.

My videos were and are solely made because I just have a passion for creativity and learning new things, I get wild ideas that I want to bring to life in the form of videos and just try and make it happen. It's always been a hobby of mine. I've got sooo many videos that I've had uploaded for years (Literally as early as 2018) just sitting on private in my drafts waiting to be published. I never intended for my YouTube channel to get the amount of views it has, I was using it mostly just to upload things I made because I enjoyed making them; basically using it as a digital scrap book. If people saw it and liked it, then that's cool too. Never did I think it'd come this far! I'm working on publishing all the videos I've got sitting in my drafts, I think I just stopped uploading them to public because I really didn't mind if anyone saw them or not; after all I'm just making them for myself. But like I said, if others enjoy them too then that's also cool. So, expect videos to be uploaded slowly but surely. They'll probably be sporadic. 😂

As for the future of my channel, I do intend on continuing to make videos whenever my creativity strikes. However, my passion did fade away for a few years and motivation was non-existent. Every now and then there's a spark, but sometimes it can take me literal months to even form an idea or get started on a video. So again, uploading on newer videos will be sporadic too whenever I get to that point. 😂 Although, even if there's been months and no upload (or that time I didn't upload for like 2-3 years 😬) I'm still always lurking on this channel & account.

Anyway, the point of this post is to simply say; to those of you who have watched my videos, checked out my channel, pressed a like button and gone as far as subscribing to me... thank you so much. It truly means the world. I hope you continue to enjoy the funny and silly videos I upload! 😊

Thank you so much for 400 subscribers! 💙