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The Real News Network
1 day ago - 190 likes

‘Reprehensible’: NTSB chair says Norfolk Southern interfered with East Palestine probe: The NTSB chair said the company tried to “manufacture” evidence, avoided sharing information, and threatened agency staff as she released findings from a 17-month investigation into the East Palestine disaster.…

The Real News Network
2 days ago - 1K likes

‘Julian Assange is free’: WikiLeaks founder strikes plea deal With US: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday reached a deal with the U.S. government, agreeing to plead guilty to one felony related to the disclosure of national security information in exchange for his release from Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom.…

The Real News Network
3 days ago - 665 likes

‘War’ is not killing Palestinians, Israel is. Our media should frame it this way: Almost nine months in, American news outlets keep Natural Disaster-izing Gaza…

The Real News Network
6 days ago - 501 likes

Israel’s genocide in Gaza is a genocide of children. Prior to last October, nearly half the population of Gaza were children. The official death toll, now regarded by many to be a severe undercount, accounts for more than 15,000 children killed by Israeli forces in the past eight months. For the majority of children who have survived, life will never be the same. Displacement, martyrdom of family members, and the exigencies of daily survival have placed a tremendous burden on these children’s shoulders. The Real News reports from Gaza.

The Real News Network
1 week ago - 392 likes

Hello PAR family! I have an important update on the Milton, WV police department that I can't wait to give you, one of our former guests is coming back to share with us his continued fight for his freedom. Coty Cecil who reached out to us 2 years ago was trapped in a Cabell County jail with a $100,000 bail but thanks to your concern and efforts, he was able to get his bail lowered and to return home to Michigan, but his fight hasn't stopped. He currently has a petition for his freedom at And there will be a supportive rally meeting at 8am in front of the Huntington county courthouse July 2nd. Please join us next Thursday 9pm EST for this important update to learn more about the raid on his camper, the asset forfeiture he suffered, his struggle to avoid prison and stay united with his pregnant fiancee and two young sons-- all because of his marijuana plants. Why is America still at war with Cannabis? Please join me next Thursday to learn more and to be a part of the discussion!

The Real News Network
1 week ago - 910 likes

JVP activists disrupt crucial Biden fundraiser in Hollywood - Nearly 300 Pro-Palestine activists with Jewish Voice for Peace blockaded entrances and occupied an intersection outside a Biden campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles.…

The Real News Network
1 week ago - 31 likes

Premiering at 12pm ET - 'Death Star' State: The GOP's War on Democracy
A battle for the future of democracy is raging in Greg Abbott's Texas. In the summer of 2023, amid a deadly, record-breaking global heatwave, Republican Governor Abbott signed a bill that eliminated mandated water breaks for outdoor workers. When TRNN's Marc Steiner traveled to Texas to investigate this shocking story, he quickly learned that eliminating water breaks was just the tip of the iceberg.

The Real News Network
2 weeks ago - 36 likes

LIVE today 6/12 at 5pm ET: Following his conviction on 34 felony counts, former President Donald Trump will be sentenced on July 11. While celebrated by many as an unprecedented example of legal accountability for elected officials, the Trump trial has also demonstrated a long-established truth: there are two justice systems in America—one for the rich, and one for the poor. Journalist Laura Flanders and historian Rick Perlstein join a special livestream discussion with the hosts of Police Accountability Report Taya Graham and Stephen Janis to discuss the inequality of the US criminal justice system, and how backlash to the trial could threaten the future of democracy.

The Real News Network
3 weeks ago - 410 likes

Hello my PAR Family! I have an important report to share with you that ties together so many aspects of the systemic problems of policing that we have discussed--in particular the dangerous nature of militarized police units! A father picking his daughter up from school, grabbing a smoothie and heading to pick up his fiancee from work were suddenly cut off by an unmarked SUV. The mother, Jennifer K, receives a desperate phone call from her teenage daughter about men in a black SUV following her which caused a mother to run out of her workplace desperate to find her find her child and fiancè. Running towards the scene she witnessed her daughter being dragged out of her car at gun point-- by police. Her fiancè was forced to the ground with pain compliance techniques. The officers denied her any explanation or even a chance to speak with her daughter; and she could only stand by helplessly as her family remained under arrest and her car was torn apart, searched and impounded. Like me you might be wondering why did this happen? What did this family do to deserve this? Please join me tonight 9pmEST to hear from the family directly about this traumatic experience and how they are handling the fall out. Many of you have seen stories of the problems with tactical units in police departments, from the death of Tyree Nichols in TN to the death of Breonna Taylor in TX. Join us tonight for the live chat to support the family and engage in the discussion of the problematic police culture specialized units.
I really hope you will be there to join me!
And remember you can follow me on social media for behind the scenes or just keep an eye on me and get updates on my next investigation by following me at or… and our Patreon for extras
And as always be safe out there!!! taya

The Real News Network
3 weeks ago - 1K likes

In Northern Alberta, First Nations leaders and their neighbours are uniting against an oil and gas company that has asked a court to arrest and jail a chief and members of his nation so they can move ahead with a drilling project.…