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NayDinFar~ Wisdom Power Courage~I need Tears of the Kingdom.

1 year ago - 92 likes

I may be moving livestreams to here~ Twitch is being Twitch and Iā€™m not happy with a lot of it so I was thinking of going live here on YouTube. I donā€™t really know how it works on here so it will be a learning curve. Iā€™m Curious if there would be any interest.... Iā€™m a casual streamer - usually just Tuesday mornings

1 year ago - 229 likes

NO SPOILERS! I hope everyone is enjoying TOTK!!! I took a social media break and had to shut off all notifications to enjoy the game for a few weeksā€¦unfortunately ā€¦.due to some commenters on here that spoiled some of the story on the very first day the game releasedā€¦.. so I made the decision to take time for myselfā€¦.Iā€™m almost done with the whole game-and have opened up the maps fully and have some ideas for new videos and other fun content. What an amazing game! See you soon šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š

1 year ago - 993 likes

Itā€™s really sad that those with early access to the game chose to release it. I wonā€™t be looking and wonā€™t be sharing- patience is a virtue and I can wait until May 12th. After the 12th, any content that contains spoilers from me will be labeled as such with tags of gameplay or story - Iā€™ll be streaming TOTK over on the Link in my Bio as well- and posting the footage here for those who canā€™t make it to stream. Iā€™ve also been working on a few final videos to put out before the game releases ....itā€™s May and itā€™s almost time!!! MAY THE GODDESS SMILE UPON YOU

1 year ago - 389 likes

Is This a GATE OF TIME!?! I think this some form of time travel or clock with the moon on the left and Sun on the right. Iā€™m not certain which figure is Hylia- might be the dragon looking Goddess.... either way Zelda is part of a club of possibly afterlife Zeldaā€™s - all sharing the blood of the goddess..... which is why they have the same TEAR- as Goddesses of Time.... For more videos check out my Trilogy Theory

1 year ago - 416 likes

Rijuā€™s Tear is on her earring or in her hair - inside the gold jewelry on her right side! (On left looking at her) That would align with the orange Spirit Medallion from OOT

1 year ago - 837 likes

Iā€™ll keep saying it! Skyward Sword is Important to TOTK!!! Lol šŸ˜‚ what a trailer - I canā€™t believe itā€™s less than a month away.... I love SS and the Goddess Hylia... seeing the tears and possibly Hylia herself made me so happy!! What was your favorite part of the new trailer???
May the Goddess Smile Upon You!

1 year ago - 122 likes

NEW LONG FORM VIDEO!!!! All the Evidence in one placeā€¦
You asked for longer (and slower) content so here it is!! Let me know what you thinkā€¦

1 year ago - 161 likes

Itā€™s come to my attention that a lot of artwork for the game has been leaked šŸ˜¢...Iā€™m going to continue to make my theories and videos with NO SPOILERS whether they be right wrong or crazy.....I think half the fun is the anticipation and seeing the game as itā€™s meant to be played...this is all supposed to be for fun anyways and a way to stay hyped until the game releases. I donā€™t want to ruin that for anyone or myself-
May the Goddess Smile Upon You šŸ’š

1 year ago - 149 likes

Here are some of the other ā€œPINECONESā€ I referenced in the new short about the OLED LEAK! PINECONES are ANCIENT and predate flowers, they are connected to the PINEal gland or 3rd eye (upper right picture) which is a gland inside our brains thought to be The Seat of the Soul and Spiritual Awakening šŸ’š shaped like the Fibonacci spiral long before other flowers and plants itā€™s thought to be the precursor... highly sacred throughout multiple ancient cultures all over the world....which is why I chose it.
However the lotus flower bud that other believe it to be isnā€™t necessarily wrong- in fact I think they are connected. Both have meaning in enlightenment and spiritual growth- itā€™s a genius move to use this specific design as it has many interpretations that lead to the same symbolism and meaning. šŸ’š

1 year ago - 361 likes

šŸ’šHappy Tears of the Kingdom Year!!!

My first community post... thanks everyone for such a welcoming start in this YT journey!
Hereā€™s a fun little TOTK Link I made in ACNH