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Robot Enthusiast 🤖

63 subscribers - no pronouns set

《📺》"Good morning, small-town listeners"《📺》 《🤖》Hey-hey, w

Robot Enthusiast 🤖
1 week ago - 4 likes

Since DRFE is on pause while I work out some stuff, here's a cast reveal

Valeria Volkov, Ult Penologist ‪@N1EmoDickSucker‬​​​​​
Elliot Devereaux, Ult Prince ‪@FINNIIZ‬​​​​​
Nadia Petrov, Ult Thanotologist ‪@bixo_bear‬​​​
Raphael Martin, Ult Acting Agent ‪@W00DSTER‬​​​​​
Vance Pavel Troitskaya, Ult Playwright ‪@mister_cynicism‬​​​​​
Jùnjié Shūfēn, Ult Video Game Designer (mine)
Maxine Hartwell, Ult Ringleader (mine)
Hoshi Chéng, Ult Photographer ‪@kwittiwhiskerzzz‬​​​​​
Romeo Carozza, Ult Stage/Theatre Actor ‪@heart_luvz‬​​​​
Keita Hanashiro, Ult Animator ‪@ShuichisSpouse‬​​
Keiko Hanashiro, Ult Model ‪@ShuichisSpouse‬​​
Coral Asayoi, Ult Performer ‪@Foetri‬
Miyako Kanno, Lil Ult Puppeteer
Marco Igarashi, Lil Ult Adventurer ‪@Yewwig‬
Nika Lynch, Lil Ult Figure Skater ‪@StarliteCookie‬​​​​​
Niko Lynch, Lil Ult Skier ‪@StarliteCookie‬​​​​​

Robot Enthusiast 🤖
4 weeks ago - 2 likes

DRFE update:
DRFE is on HOLD. In the meantime, I'll be working on another fangan, so stay tuned.

Robot Enthusiast 🤖
1 month ago - 10 likes

Name: Carmen Romero
Ultimate: Argentine Tango Dancer
Age: 19
Birthday: 29.04
Height: 5'11
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Likes: Dancing, children, roses, provoleta (food), birds
Dislikes: The cold, junk foods, darling chocolate, dogs
Fears: Death, spiders, creepy dolls
Pref role: Any, maybe support? But idrc
Shipping: Yess!!
Dying: Yes
• She often uses pet names and nicknames (dear, darling, hun, love)
• Has a pet budgie named Maya
• Teaches dance classes to kids
• She has slight anger management issues
Personality: Flirtatious, motherly, unforgiving, realistic, stubborn, talkative, mature, (over)protective of those she loves/cares for, suspicious, romantic
Backstory: Born into an upper-middle class family, she had a regular life with her regular parents and regular little sister, she used to watch all these pretty women on television and stages and shows do their pretty dances, begging her parents to take her to watch them. She eventually decided to ask for dance lessons and, for her 8th birthday, her parents signed her up for ballet lessons! She was almost immediately humiliated and failed miserably, so her parents tried tap dance, she was even worse at that and so they tried tango, she was a natural, picking up skills quickly. She had finally found something she was good at and she practiced day after day, excelling in her dance classes, going on to travel the world for shows, she got her dream fulfilled, she even got so good she got an Ultimate attached, it was a dream come true, she couldn't be happier. Her sister, Emilia, also had an Ultimate, something she worked towards after Carmen got hers, Ultimate Mime, and she was scouted by an Ultimate school and put in a Killing Game. Carmen's own little sister, who she loved dearly, suffering on live television, and eventually she watched her die, it was a turning point in her life, watching how her sister was betrayed by her own friends and killed caused her to become more suspicious and unforgiving, how could she trust someone if they could hurt or kill her at any moment, she had difficulty staying in rooms alone, and for a while her shows were put on hold. After a while her parents managed to convince her that continuing performing and dancing is what her sister would've wanted, and with that her dancing became better, she was more motivated, more fierce, she wanted to share her dancing with the world, going on for everyone, teaching her skills in classes, because it's what Emilia would've wanted, right?
Code: AY41TZ51Q

Robot Enthusiast 🤖
1 month ago - 4 likes

Sumi, my wif... (Willow and Ben are tied for second)

Robot Enthusiast 🤖
2 months ago - 6 likes

 ‪@N1EmoDickSucker‬ heh...

Name: Robi
Likes: Musicals, cats, singing, their cane, bright colours, conflict
Dislikes: People, children, interruptions, things being too quiet, romance, dogs
Personality: Very theatrical and eccentric, says things that don't make sense whether it's words they made up or just plain word salad, often makes references others don't understand and never explains them. Uses his cane to express himself, often leaning on it or twirling it in the air, they often treat it as a person and even decorates it sometimes. Has anger management issues and will lash out over small things, but despite this never really gets violent, as they're more bark than bite, contrary to that seems to stay calm in situations where he would have an emotional response, but it's usually just them bottling up the emotions for later, which adds to instability.
Backstory: He was made to help out with the Killing Game, he doesn't really know anything else outside of the game, but takes great pride in their position and wouldn't trade it for the world.
Gender: Nonbinary (They/He)
Mental Stability: Uhm wellllll, they're not stable actually, but try really hard to hide that (they fail miserably)

Robot Enthusiast 🤖
3 months ago - 6 likes

The DRFE due date has been extended to the end of March btw, don't think there's enough submissions :3