"ZAMBITION: Dialogue for Our Common Future" is a YouTube channel for engaging in respectful dialogue about our ambition for Zambia. The name "Zambition" is derived from “Zambia” and “ambition” (aspiration). The channel invites leaders from all walks of life, and age-groups across the country to dialogue on, among others, the following questions:
1. What is your highest ambition for Zambia?
2. How can this aspiration be realised?
3. What have we, as a Nation, learnt from the journey we have walked for the last 56 years?
Dialogue does not happen when our intention is to win an argument. Zambition engages leaders who, with an open mind and heart, are willing to listen to the wisdom that wants to be spoken.
For Zambition, leaders are not only those who hold high-ranking formal offices. The term leader includes anybody who, through their personal and professional life, is willing to “die a little” in service of something larger than self.