Restoration tools and crafts.
Hi, my name is Miro and I am the author of Miri crafts.
I like to restore old, rusty and damaged tools, I'm happy when they can be used again and last for another few years.
Some procedures captured on videos can only be approximate, because often were used other and older variants of grinding wheels, sandpaper... but also some additional operations that are not captured in videos.
Thanks for watching my videos and support.
Have a nice day :)
Kanál venovaný obnove starých nástrojov.
Ahoj, moje meno je Miro a som autorom Miri crafts.
Rád obnovujem staré, hrdzavé a pokazené nástroje, teší ma keď môžu byt znovu používané a vydržať tak ďalších pár rokov.
Niektore postupy zachytené na videach mozu byt len priblizne, pretoze mohli byt casto pouzite starsie varianty brusnych kotucov, brusneho papiera... aby sa vyuzili ale aj niektore operacie naviac, ktore nie su zachytene vo videach.
Ďakujem za sledovanie mojich videí.
Prajem pekný deň :)