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The Rainbow Goddess

1.7K subscribers - no pronouns :c

This channel was created with the intention of sharing love,

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 4 weeks ago

Everything is energy, which means everything you create has its own energetic imprint.

🍄 🌸 🪐 🍃 🌈 🍄 🌞 🧿

The container I created is called The Garden of Eden. My vision for this space is this - imagine a tranquil, lush, and vibrant garden, abundant with life and beauty. This garden is a sacred, nourishing space where every element—whether it's the trees, flowers, animals, or even the air itself—radiates a sense of divine love, peace, and healing energy.

I see individuals entering this garden and feeling an immediate connection to the earth and the universe, as if they are being embraced by nature itself. As they walk through the garden, they receive not only physical sustenance in the form of life force but also spiritual and emotional nourishment. This might come in the form of insights, clarity, inner peace, and a deep sense of belonging and purpose.

What each person receives from Eden is gentle yet transformative, as if the garden is providing exactly what is needed at that moment, be it healing, inspiration, or renewal. Imagine a place where people can reconnect with their true selves, feel supported by the universe, and leave feeling whole, empowered, and deeply loved.

The Garden of Eden’s energetic imprint is one of sustenance, nourishment, and replenishment. When I created this container, it was to embody the qualities of the divine feminine principle, which is life-giving, life-sustaining, and nourishing. So, the energetic imprint when you step into the Garden of Eden is to be held and supported, as Mother Earth supports you in the same way that she supports the plants, animals, and trees, helping things come to life, blossom, and bloom. That is the energy you're stepping into when you step into the Garden of Eden.

As a conscious creator, I’m intentional about what I create because many large corporations produce things without considering the energetics behind them. Too often, creations are driven by ego or profit, even at the expense of the planet or others. By supporting conscious creators, you help anchor new blueprints that serve the greater good and benefit everyone.

It’s so powerful when you can understand energy because you then understand what you are receiving when you purchase a course or product. You ask yourself: What was the creator's intention behind it? What am I going to get out of this beyond the physical words or presentation? What are the energetics behind it? What was the purpose of that creation? It’s a powerful thing to think about when you’re receiving, when you’re tuning into the vibration of what is for you and really going into the unseen realms.

The feminine aspect of creation is especially good at sensing the energy and intuition of the unseen aspects of reality. This is often very different from what is presented to you physically. You may see something physically, and the physical representation may or may not match the unseen energy behind it.

Today, I wanted to share my intention behind what I’ve been creating with the Garden of Eden. It’s not just the Garden of Eden; it’s the Garden of Love that is here to help you flourish and grow. It’s a space that helps creators, creatives, men, women, and anyone who feels they need the sustenance and renewal to support with what they are here to do.

I know that it can be depleting to be a parent or to have people depend on you while managing full-time jobs. It can be draining just to exist and maintain this beautiful life. There are so many responsibilities we have. My vision for this creation was born out of seeing the energetic needs of others. I asked Spirit: What do people need? What is going to help them? Spirit showed me a vision of me watering seeds, representing the aspects of creation that needs nurturing.

If we don't water the seeds or provide fertile soil, things won’t grow. What I saw in the unseen realm was that so many people in the world have untapped potential, but nobody sees their potential or worth because they haven’t blossomed yet. They are still in the phase of receiving life-giving properties, whether it's water, sunlight, food, or the right environment, all of which are crucial for growth. Just as a child needs a nurturing environment to thrive, so too do our ideas and creations.

The environment is so important for things to grow. Just think about a child, right? When you take care of a child, all of their needs need to be met in order for them to flourish, grow, and blossom—not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. There's so much that needs to go in to really help something become its greatest self, and so my intention for the Garden of Eden was to really help those who want to become the greatest version of themselves, but they're just needing a little bit more of that sustenance, that life-giving energy, that support.

So, through Source, through connecting to the Earth, through embodying the frequencies of divine unconditional love pouring into this space, I'm actually helping to support you in blossoming, growing, and becoming your greatest version. Thank you so much, beloveds, for receiving today, and you can check out my links below if you're interested in joining this beautiful container.

With love and grace,

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 1 month ago

Imagine living in a world where abundance is the norm, where everything you need is within reach. The truth is we do live in an abundant universe. But sometimes, despite this, you may feel like you're struggling, like you're stuck in a cycle of lack and limitation. Why is that? The answer lies in understanding one simple truth: everything is energy.

Your thoughts, your actions, your emotions—all of it is energy. And this energy can either fill you up or drain you completely. The choices you make every day determine how full your cup is, how strong your energetic life force becomes.

So I ask you—at the end of the day, the end of the week, the end of the month—are you overflowing with energy, or are you running on empty? Is your bank account a reflection of that abundance, or is it another area where you feel the drain?

Here's the connection: in an abundant universe, there is infinite energy, infinite possibilities. Yet, many of us live as though we're confined to a finite existence. But why? Where are you getting your energy from? What’s filling you up? The quality of energy you receive—whether it’s the food you eat, the conversations you engage in, or the experiences you immerse yourself in—determines whether you’re thriving or merely surviving.

Think about it: some people go through their days disconnected from the natural, infinite energy that surrounds them. They spend their time in spaces devoid of sunlight, eat food that lacks life force, and engage in activities that drain rather than uplift them. They end up exhausted, irritable, and running on a deficit. And this cycle, if left unchecked, can impact every area of life—emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. They’re not truly living—they’re surviving.

But here's the good news: the universe wants you to thrive. Just as the Earth benefits when its plants are healthy and flourishing, the universe benefits when you are at your best. When you are full of energy, you’re creative, you’re compassionate, and you contribute positively to the world around you.

So today, I challenge you to take a hard look at how you're living. Are your choices leading you to a life of abundance, or are they depleting your energy reserves? Remember, the universe is ready and willing to give you everything you need to thrive. You just need to open yourself up to it.

Take care of yourself. Honor your energy. Make choices that align with your highest potential. Because when you are abundant, healthy, and thriving, you’re not just improving your life—you’re uplifting everyone and everything around you.

This is your time to step into the fullness of who you are meant to be. The universe is on your side, waiting to see you succeed. So let’s rise up, fill our cups, and live the abundant lives we were destined for.

If you’re looking to fill your cup, nourish your mind and soul I have co-created a space with the Divine just for you. The Garden of Eden. This online portal was created with the intention of uplifting your heart and spirit on those days that you feel drained, stressed, overwhelmed and tired. All of the meditations and energy practices connect into the infinite supply of Source - The Eternal Love Field to replenish you, recharge you, and help your heart open, blossom and grow. With more energy, vibrancy and lifeforce available to you every day think of the abundance of energy you will have to create the life you love and desire.

This is your call to action, your self love piece, your willingness to receive the blessings that the universe is offering you. This container was shown to me as an opportunity to provide service and support to all those who need it. I received the message and took the steps that was shown to me to be a vessel of divine love and service to my brothers and sisters. Now I invite you to receive and awaken miracle flow consciousness into your life. Every choice we make matters and contributes to the happiness and healing we experience in our daily life.

This is a garden where seeds come to be planted and where flowers come to blossom and bloom. Even the most wilted of flowers come alive here as their once depleted essence is breathed back into form. 🌱

A sanctuary of the heart, love in its purest form, a haven of wisdom and beauty. 🌿🌺

This is a coming home. 🌻✨

This is Eden. 🪻

🦋 Link in the comments 🦋

With love,
Rosalie 🧡✨

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 1 month ago

Beloved Family,

I share this offering with such my gratitude and love in my heart. I feel truly blessed to be a vessel for Source to create ripples and waves of love on this planet.

What a powerful day it is to tap into our hearts and feel the flow of wisdom that is wanting to pour through us. My hope is that this video and activation assists you in deepening your connection to your own heart's intelligence and divinity so that you too continue to be a vessel of greater love on this beautiful planet.

If you enjoy this activation and would like to receive more like it I invite you to check out my online meditation library for only $33 a month.
Register at &

Or if you would like to offer a donation my heart thanks you for your kindness and support -

Happy 8-8-8, all my love,



*Video will premiere on my YouTube channel at 11:11 am EST*

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 2 months ago

🌿 Message of the Day 🌿

We need not worry about the future or the past. The only moment we have is now.

It is up to us to decide how we will cherish the time we have in this beautiful existence. We will never get another experience quite like this one. There is so much beauty to be witnessed through the development and growth that each one of us is undergoing. Imagine you had a front row seat to a rare and spectacular event that was much like watching a caterpillar push itself through its cocoon and transform into the most beautiful butterfly. This is what we are experiencing as a human race. It is always easy, but it is worth it.

One day, you will look back at your life, your experiences, and all that you have been through and you will cry, not tears of sadness, but of joy and gratitude at how incredible your journey has been. You’ll think, I wouldn’t change one thing about my life , because it was exactly perfect, exactly what I needed. Your only wish may be that you could remind yourself more to enjoy the ride and to slow down. Your life is not a race and there is plenty of time.

What is our collective lesson we are all here to learn at this time?

Humanity is learning how to come together through a common cause. We are learning how to release separation and heal our hearts, so we can recognize the love and divinity and all things. How we treat each other, how we treat ourselves, and how we treat our planet is what we are becoming aware of. Are our actions rooted in love or fear? Can we choose forgiveness over hate? Can we find humility instead of pride? What is it we value most? What matters to us? How do we want to live our life? How do we want to be remembered?

These are the questions I invite you to ask yourself because although we are experiencing this all together as a whole, how you choose to live your life matters. We are all one thread, making up the web of life and the more beauty love and grace we can contribute to this grand mosaic the more beautiful it will be in the end.

Now is not the time to lose faith in yourself or each other. We must draw upon our inner strength to find greater patience, love and compassion for everything we are feeling, witnessing and experiencing. Many artists say “trust the process” because they know that no matter how crazy or messy the creation appears to be there is indeed a vision that is being held by the creator and that vision is in the process of being born as we speak.

All my love,

If you are in need of support I highly recommend the Angels of Grace meditation that I have created. ✨☁️

Sometimes we need just a little boost to get as through those moments when our heart is hurting or it feels too much. When you call about the Angels of Divine Grace it is like opening a direct window to Source allowing for the loving, healing and supportive frequencies of Mother Father God to uplift your spirit and provide you with what you mostly need. We all need that little extra help from time to time and through the Law of Divine Grace no matter how heavy or dark the circumstance you find yourself in is Divine Grace can pierce though the density and offer a seed of hope, clarity and even a miracle if that is what you need. All you need to do is ask and you will receive. Even if all you need is just a little love and reassurance the Angels of Grace can infuse your aura, heart, and mind with all of the love and healing you need.

You can purchase the meditation on my website:

Or join the Garden of Eden Membership and receive a whole library of resources and recordings to support you all held in the highest most loving frequencies of Source.

🦋 Rosalie 🦋

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 3 months ago

I invite you to join me in a transformative meditation to cultivate gratitude, accompanied by the healing vibrations of 432 Hz music. This meditation is designed to help you elevate your vibration, open your heart, and foster a deep sense of thankfulness and appreciation.

🧘🏼‍♀️ Meditation Overview:
Duration: 26 minutes
Focus: Cultivating Gratitude
Frequency: 432 Hz Healing Music

🦋 Benefits of this Meditation 🦋

🪴Enhances Feelings of Gratitude: Helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life and develop a grateful mindset.

🪴Raises Your Vibration: The 432 Hz frequency is known for its calming and healing properties, aligning you with the natural rhythm of the universe.

🪴Promotes Emotional Well-being: Reduces stress and anxiety, and fosters a sense of peace and contentment.

🪴Improves Mental Clarity: Encourages mindfulness and present-moment awareness, helping you to live more fully in the now.

🎶 Why 432 Hz Music? 🎶

432 Hz music is often referred to as the natural tuning of the universe. It is believed to resonate harmoniously with the human body and mind, promoting healing, relaxation, and a deeper connection to the world around us.


#432hz #gratitude #healing #lightworker #lightlanguage #starseed #oracle #love #channelling #divineguidance #higherself

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 3 months ago

A Letter From Your Guardian Angel

I want you to know that I see you.

You may not always feel me but I am present with you, always.

I am your guardian angel and my love for you is eternal.

I have watched you grow and change with each new season and I have never been more proud of the beautiful human you have become.

If only you could see what I see.

I have seen you through your best and through your worst and through it all you have always been so beautiful.

You amaze me, dear one.

You face your fears with such courage. I admire your bravery.

You love with your whole heart. I admire your beauty.

I love the way you creatively find ways to bring light into this world. Sometimes I wonder how you do it. I wonder how you shine so brightly even when there is so much darkness.

I see you, dear one. I see you choosing the light, choosing love, and choosing to never give up again and again and I am always so proud of you.

The truth is, it brings me so much joy to be your Guardian Angel. It is a gift from God to serve another. You are the one that is teaching me so much. I learn from you each and every day just by watching you.

I want you to know what a true divine masterpiece you are. When I see you through the eyes of God, it is incredible. Only God could have made you so incredibly unique and intricate. I see every part of you, the layers and depth, and I love every single side, every colour, every facet of your being, as God does.

If a Guardian Angel could have a wish it would be that you would feel me hugging you when you're sad. I do. I hug you and hold you when you cry. I cry too. I love you so much.

Thank you for choosing me as I have chosen you. May you continue to radiate like the shining star you are. I will always be here. I love you.

With love,
Your Guardian Angel

By Rosalie 🦋

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 3 months ago

The power of guided visualization through meditation is that the mind doesn’t know the difference between what you are imagining and what you are actually experiencing. Therefore you can bring in more positivity, joy, love and uplifting experiences that actually begin to shift your vibration which impact how you think, feel and act in your day-to-day life.

This will enviably begin to change your entire experience as how you view your life begins to shift. You will start to align to the soul vibration of peace, love, joy, happiness, abundance, and release the programming that tells you how life should be and what is possible for you.

🦋Join the Garden of Eden to receive these powerful and transformative activations. 🦋

The Method:

Using colours, emotions, descriptions, visualization, light language, and words of encouragement we will reprogram the mindset & emotional body.

We will invite your personal healing guide to support you through the process. 🧝🏻‍♀️🧚🏻

Through these guided light language journeys we will:
-clear negativity
-clear emotions
-release outdated programming of limitation
-uplift your mood
-inspire you
-raise your frequency & vibration
-increase your overall wellbeing
-begin to awaken the dream of the soul and embody this in your everyday life

Some examples of specific light language journeys that I will be bringing through are:

Light Language Journey for -
- 🕊️ Peace
- 🎨 Creativity
- 🌳 Connection
- 🌞 Joy
- 🌟Abundance
- 🧚🏻Fun
- 💗Love
- 🪴Grounding

Register at 🦋🌟🎨

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 3 months ago

🌟 Celebrate with Us! Free Summer Solstice Event + over 100 Members in The Illuminated Lightworker Collective! 🌟

Join us for a special celebration as we honor our growing community of over 100 members in The Illuminated Lightworker Collective!

To mark this milestone, we invite you to our Free Summer Solstice Event on Thursday, June 20th at 8PM EST / 5PM PST via Zoom.

✨ Event Highlights:

🌞 Powerful Activation: Experience a profound quantum activation designed to harness the sacred alignment of the Solstice gateway.

🌞 Divine Love and Grace: Feel the pure stream of divine love and grace that our collective holds.

🌞Community Connection: Connect with like-minded souls and celebrate the light within us all.

Whether you have worked with us before or are new to our collective, this event promises to be a transformative experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and align with the powerful energies of the Solstice.

How to Join:
To participate, you must be a member of our free group, The Illuminated Lightworker Collective. Link below 👇🏻

Join the Illuminated Lightworker Collective - Free Group -…

#SolsticeEvent #SpiritualActivation #LightworkerCommunity #QuantumHealing #DivineLove #SummerSolstice

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 3 months ago

What would you like to see for my next video? 🌞

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The Rainbow Goddess
Posted 3 months ago

Message from Archangel Jophiel - I Am the Beauty of God 🪽💕☀️

Beloved Archangel Jophiel, thank you for the loving and gentle reminder that we are indeed already whole, healed, and divine perfection. Thank you for showing us the beauty way, the path guided by Source, the path of grace.

Thank you for showing us that we can love all parts of ourselves and that we can welcome it all back - the experiences, emotions, and hurt that lead to our perception of separation.

I see now that the illusion of separation teaches us how to find greater love and acceptance not only for ourselves but for all of humanity.

I see now in the illusion of separation, I deemed parts of myself as less than, unlovable, and ugly. But through the gentle and loving Grace of God, I now see now that there was never any judgment or unworthiness placed upon me. I placed that upon myself.

I now choose for all of me to stand in the light of Truth that I am a creation of Pure Divine Love. I see myself through the eyes of Source which shows me that I am already Whole, I am a divine masterpiece and there is nothing to fix or prove. Just as an artist loves all of her creations and sees the value in each one I see my own worth and value.

I courageously choose to show up in this world as I AM, the divine aspect of Source that God intended me to be shining beautifully through the lens of this Human experience.

I now see my purpose in this world is to not fix what is wrong with it through the lens of my mind but to show up in a way that is so unwavering in my devotion to Love, Spirit, and the Earth that all that is not love cannot exist in my presence - like a beacon of light shining truth upon the once hidden shadow. My presence alone in all of my Truth is enough and all that I need to do is listen to the whispers within my own Eternal Heart guiding me ever so gently with confidence.

As I focus my awareness on the beauty within it continues to grow like a beautiful garden being watered by my every thought and feeling. Continue to feed and bring light to your beauty and truth and it will become all that you envisioned it to be - a heavenly garden of love, peace, and purity.

If you need any assistance call upon me (Archangel Jophiel) and I will show you the beauty that you hold within, I will show you how to find love and acceptance within yourself. I will lovingly support you in guiding your thoughts and emotions back to love. Then you will see that through love all is returned to wholeness. Through your commitment to see love and beauty within yourself you will begin to see love and beauty in all things, all people, plants, and creatures. You will begin to see through the eyes of the Creator the Divine purpose that all living things hold, without judgment but with curiosity and wonder.

You will see that through love we can create a life that feels in alignment with our Soul. You will begin to feel a deep sense of peace and personal fulfillment that pleases you. You will feel as if you are in need of nothing and that will bring your mind great ease to finally not feel as if you must chase something that always feels just out of reach. You will find this peace and you will see your life begin to transform as all blooms for you as it was intended. Your life is your garden, you must cherish it and care for it as you would anything that you love and care for. Then you will see how you treat yourself and how you treat others is the most important part of learning to be human. Love always finds a way.

In love and grace,
Rosalie & Archangel Jophiel 🪽

🪻🤍 The Garden of Eden 🤍🪻

Follow the winding path of your heart, it is guiding you to a place of unimaginable love, a place that has only been felt in the hearts of all those who have dreamt of it. 🦋

This is a garden where seeds come to be planted and where flowers come to blossom and bloom. Even the most wilted of flowers come alive here as their once depleted essence is breathed back into form. 🌱

A sanctuary of the heart, love in its purest form, a haven of wisdom and beauty. 🌿🌺

This is a coming home. 🌻✨

This is Eden. 🪻

Step into your garden. Receive weekly meditations, inspiration, guidance and love to replenish, blossom, and grow. The Garden of Eden is a safe haven and sanctuary of love that will provide nourishment for the mind, heart, and soul.

✨🌼 Awaken your inner sanctuary, your garden awaits. ✨🌼

We are now accepting orders for enrollment.

Register at

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