Hello Friends, My name is Arppna Walia. Professionally, I am a HR and after investing time of more then 10 years in Corporate industry, I am looking forward to share my insights, knowledge and experiences of my life with you all.
I understand that technical skills plays an important role in any career, however, I have realised that it can be easy to train anyone for any particular tool or software, but, it gets difficult to work with people who are low in their internal energy or stressed out or mentally not present in their work.
In today’s world, Soft skills like effective communication, negotiation is crucial to grow either in personal or professional life along with internal happiness.
Thus, I am creating this channel with the motive of helping people in topics that includes Motivation, Mental Health, Happiness, Spirituality, Life skills, Moral Values and Soft Skills. I hope this content will help you and your support will be highly appreciated.