Hi, I'm InfinityDash. Welcome to my channel for music and remixes that I make, as well as BGM (background music) from MLP:FiM. I also occasionally make games and other random stuff so that may show up here too.
2020 UPDATE:
Amazingly, I'm still here. New contact method! Now you can also contact me using state of the art electronic mail! Email address below, "for business inquiries" section.
2019 UPDATE:
Feel free to send me a message! If I don't respond in a few days, please just bombard me with messages until I do! :D sometimes I miss things. Contact info:
-Send me a Note on DeviantArt - infinitydash.deviantart.com
2017 UPDATE: No new content for almost 16 months... will I upload more? I hope so!
2015 UPDATE: Google stupidly (IMO) removed Youtube's messaging system and deleted all old messages, so if you'd like to contact me directly please send me a NOTE on DeviantArt! (Alternatively a DM on Twitter)