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The Dark Side Has Muffins Uploading mostly Warframe content.

1 day ago - 30 likes

I'm looking forward on tuesday where i get to see if im cooking with a stove or cooking with a microwave

1 day ago - 88 likes

One thing ive enjoyed about Warframe as a veteran of the game is the few times in the games history where events and operations have physically shaped the game in some way and despite updates, their marks are still seen today. marks that new players likely would never even realize on first glance.

For example, the infested missions that take place on Eris, currently an entirely Infested zone. Originally, Eris was Infested but actually taken over by the Corpus who successfully wiped out and cleared out most of the infested nodes.

This sparked the invasion system in the game where instead of having set nodes, Infested would 'break out' randomly on planets and spread out in an attempt to take over planets again, but this also caused Infested to be more on the uncommon side to encounter so i think starting with the Mutalist Alad V arc, Eris became fully infested again and this is where the fun continuity of the lore takes place:

The tileset used on Eris missions used the old Corpus ship design, back BEFORE Nef Anyo upgraded the fleet and retrofitted them in order to search for Parvos Granum. This means that the old battles of 2014 between the Infested and Corpus was a real, tangible event and these old ships preserve that event in time, even while the new Corpus ships evolve in design. (side note, the fact we still dont have infested versions of these new corpus tiles is annoying)

Another example of this Europa. Above in the sky battles between a Grineer Fomorian and a Corpus Obelisk ship, a relic of the initial Grineer and Corpus war treaty being abandoned and full scale war erupting (thanks Alad). The planet is scattered with remains of these obsolete Obelisk ships which again, use that old corpus ship design as a relic of that area of warframe but also a reminder that events DO have recorded time.

Granted there are a few holes in this like why new players who start the game (essentially from their perspective, restarting a new instance of the game world) start in a world where these battles were already fought and won by the tenno and such, but even so i feel these are important to preserve.

I only really mention this as i know people have frustrations with both of these old corpus tiles (infested and non infested ones) due to all the sharp edges and corners that cause you to get stuck pretty easily even after DE did the smoothening update to fix some of that. I just hope that if these tiles ever get a makeover, DE preserves the past and retains the old classic look of the corpus ships instead of just remaking them in the modern ship image, as it would ruin the continuity of the events that took place there.

I never hear anyone talk about this so i figured i'd mention it because as a vet its meaningful to me that it stays true to the past. TL:DR old corpus ship tiles are cool and should stay as they are aesthetically.

2 days ago - 17 likes

I'm curious, how do you guys usually watch my content? (Not community posts of course, just videos)

3 days ago - 57 likes

Hot take but Twitter hiding what you like from the public by making your likes only available to you is a massive W for creeps, pedos, and an L for exposing hypocrisy. If you are on twitter grandstanding about disliking something for social points but you liked some post that clearly shows you are just faking that opinion for attention, you rightfully got called out for it.

But now since likes are private, you really can't call out people for this anymore and it just brings the echochamber up wayyyy more imo. The real reason elon is doing this is so powerful or influential people can like whatever they want and (presumably) only creators of the post will know who liked their stuff.

It makes everything way more complicated and reduce the likelihood that you're going to be able to call out bad or shady behavior. It also has another side effect of making retweets the ONLY way for you to discover content on twitter from people you follow, and not everyone on twitter likes something AND retweets it.

From what i understand generally retweeting something is like Like+ where you like it even more than a normal like so you also want to share it, now the only real option to increase exposure is retweeting, so you will likely start seeing a massive uptick in retweets on your feeds, cluttering it even more than it already is where it hasn't been properly sorted by date in half a year now.

3 days ago - 36 likes

To those of you that think im an epic gamer or something, im only above average. This is how far i got with dante in steel path void cascade before i was getting too overwhelmed that i decided to leave. When its grineer, ill leave well before this because of Kuva Trokarian spam (which create bubbles that force you into operator mode and can only be destroyed by operators) because i just can't handle all the strat resetting.

It's still pretty bad with corpus though, because once an exolizer starts being taken over you only have a few seconds to deal with it, otherwise it gets taken over as you are spamming 3 to try to prepare for a 4 nuke, only to get blasted into operator. Now a few guardian eximus have reached that location in that time and now you have invincible enemies (to operator attacks at least) who one shot you, kill you, now you are your frame. Oh but a nullifier walked past your dante so now you dont have any powers active either and die lmao.

And you can't even use specters to assist you because the corrupted zones insta kill specters so on call or kahl is the only option which are not reliable (at least kahl himself can stay alive almost forever but on call has a large cooldown). It's better if you have at least one extra person to rush the 300 meters to a new exolizer so the map doesn't get corrupted solo.

tldr i don't deal well with lots of stuff going on and i can very easily get stuck in a death loop if im fucked over by rng in some way that causes me to not be able to get back into my rhythm 😭

Edit: oh and i only got 7 zariman arcanes for my trouble lol

1 week ago - 36 likes

Incarnon Marelok when DE? I'm ready!!!!

Any of you have weapons with 9 forma? aka every slot has a polarity because you're INSANE sicko mode

1 week ago - 34 likes

I felt like playing prey 2017 again so i booted it up only to realize none of my saves are there. Apparently i forgot that folder when transferring all my stuff to this computer a couple years ago. So if i wanted to play it, id have to open that older computer and hope it turns on fine after a couple years in storage, just to copy the save files onto a flash drive lol.

Maybe i will someday but man thats a bit depressing. Moving everything to a new pc has always been a headache for me and i always miss stuff or programs don't work properly

1 week ago - 42 likes

If you didn't hear, Ember is in fact going to be getting some tweaks to her powers, mostly reduction of energy costs on her 3 the higher your immolation is, but also this augment will give overguard if you are at full health.

This sounds good, but i realized that you have to expend your immolation and 'cool her off' in order to gain the overguard, so now your meter moves up slower, and thus the next cast will likely cost more energy to cast since the meter is lower and it only strips 100% armor if the meter is full.

I think its going to still be a good tweaking (not a rework) but it will lower her armor removal effectiveness. Why? Because now instead of waiting for your immolation to be full so you can armor strip, you will be spamming her fire blast in order to gain overguard, thus your stripping will (likely) never be full strip in one cast, which then reduces her DPS a bit.

Right now, ember is perfectly fine for steel path grineer if you replace her fireball with dispensary. Now you have infinite energy so energy costs don't matter, and you spam your 4 for a solid 15 seconds to get really fast immolation overheat, and now you can comfortably cast 3 when you need to full strip armor and let your 4 melt enemies, all while resetting the energy drain ramp up back to normal levels.

With the changes coming its actually less energy intensive (which does not matter for my build for reasons i just explained) but it might encourage ember to subsume another armor strip like pillage over fireball so she can shield gate through that while stripping armor, and then using her fire blast to instead gain overguard, with the passive benefit of additional armor strip.

So yeah it has me a little mixed especially since her 4 isn't getting any buffs or changes at all, aka her damage remains the same (her fireball gets better stacking damage, though). What they should do is make it so the damage over time effect of her 4 should proc heat every second, then she would actually be able to kill by just ramping up heat instead of having to strip armor.

I guess we will see but i already have a build idea in mind in case it does end up going how i think it will with healing flame. I hope im wrong but ive used ember enough to know this is kinda where its gonna go, less armor strip in favor of spamming 3 for overguard gating.

1 week ago - 27 likes

I changed the normal red duration shard for this as i realized my diriga was proccing radiation constantly, and her 2 has a chance to spread radiation to enemies, so its at minimum 10% final damage boost to the slash procs of her 4 pretty much guaranteeing a one shot, and then there is a reasonable chance that all enemies in a decent radius start taking 10% extra from the weird dot thing on her 4 by spreading radiation with her 2.

Granted, her 2 sadly only spreads status effects that were procced BY the ability, but even so the chance for radiation isn't unreasonably low and with an ability only build the ONLY ability you are ever casting is your 1 every 24 seconds, and her 2 so you can spam comfortably.

Still looking forward to the Dagath and Qorvex augment mods, im gonna have a lot of fun using those. Qorvex because i can remove terrify entirely for something else and dagath i can (most likely) remove her doom ability for dispensary for infinite energy. I'm gonna cook so hard...

1 week ago - 21 likes

SoBETCHA wanna watch this video.