Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
We are all students of Riadhul Awamil Banten or Okink Official as usual, we want to document the moments of activities or activities in our pesantren, namely the practice of Dasa Daya and Ratib Al-Hadad Al-Bantani moves.
Especially for private, generally for the congregation. This video makes it easier for us, for example, if you miss Ratib, you don't have one here yet, just play the video. And you want to practice a move or have a diploma but have never practiced, just play the video..
May be useful..!!
But we apologize, if our videos are inappropriate from their respective perspectives, both from editing or otherwise. Once again, please open the door of apologies as wide as possible...
And don't forget..?! Continue to support our channel by subscribing, commenting and liking to be even more enthusiastic in the future...
Thank you...