URDU FOREX is Pakistani Based Channel,
Basic Purpose of URDU FOREX is to educate you about Trading, Market Analysis, Fundamental Analysis , Charts, Candlestick Patterns, Trends, Market Behavior, live Trading etc........
URDU FOREX can't Promote any National or international Broker, We just provide Education of Trading.
URDU FOREX all services are free of cost, Because our main purpose is education.
in this market you are successful only if you have good knowledge about Trading, Follow our Services to get Success,
Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited (PMEX) is the country’s first and only demutualized commodity futures exchange, licensed and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). Based on sophisticated multi-dimensional infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology, PMEX offers a complete suite of services i.e. trading, clearing & settlement, custody as well as back office, all under one roof.