Thank you for visiting EENK CHANNEL. The contents of the video on this channel are related to network. π Jaranan or lumping horse is one of the regional dance arts which has the characteristic of the loud gamelan sound, the beats of drums and gongs and the blowing of trumpets. Kediri has several Jaranan arts that can be enjoyed including Jaranan Senterewe, Jaranan Pegon, Jaranan Dor, and Jaranan Jawa. Jaranan art began to appear since the 10th century Hijriah. Precisely in 1041. or simultaneously with the Kahuripan kingdom, it was divided into 2, namely the eastern part of the Jenggala Kingdom with Kahuripan as the capital and the western part of the Panjalu or Kediri kingdom with the capital of Dhlasiura. In the show, this Jaranan Dance is performed by a group of dancers wearing warrior clothes and riding braided horses. In this Jaranan Dance performance is also accompanied by various gamelan music such as kenong, drums, gongs and others.