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Greetings, I am TheHeroOfTomorrow. Here you'll find my revi

6 days ago - 17 likes

Well...that changes things.

For those of you who somehow haven't seen the latest Nintendo Direct, apparently there will be a new Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, with, FINALLY, an official localized version of Investigations 2. While I admittedly was not very far in my Investigations 2 notes, I have decided to wait to review it once we have the newest, official localization to work with.

This will give me the chance to compare and contrast the two versions, though.

Also, for that reason, Investigations 2 will not be the next game I cover, since I'm going by 'chronological order in which the piece of Ace Attorney media was available to me.'

Which means that the next Ace Attorney video will actually be on a certain other game. Now, when will that be? I don't know. But I do know this.

I won't be doing it alone.

4 weeks ago - 11 likes

Hey folks,

In my previous video, I said that my next one would be a video about how I would end Equestria Girls properly. Well, I DID write that video, but I hesitated when it came to making it.

See, I'm no artist, and I wanted at least some visuals to accompany my ideas. But while I tried working with My Little Pony Story Creator, even buying the full version wouldn't have worked, nor using stills from the show itself. And since I refuse to use AI, my only other option would be commissions...which are out of my price range, especially given how many I'd need. So, unfortunately, this video will probably never get made.

However, I did put up the script for free on my Patreon, so in case you ARE interested, you can read it here:…

3 months ago - 8 likes

Hey guys. If you're wondering where I've been, well, the MLP comics video is taking way longer than I thought it would. I know I had a lot, but I'm almost done writing it. This one's probably going to end up being a two-parter, and hopefully it can be uploaded to YouTube.

But more importantly...guys, I need help. I actually lost my job at the start of the month, and while I've been applying to every job that looks good near me, the callbacks have been sparse. So I really need some help to make my bills at the start of this month. Basically if I can't pay part of the rent and the car insurance, it'll be trouble. So I'll need around $300 for that.

As usual, you can help by donating at I don't know where else to turn, and I'm starting to get desperate. Hopefully I'll have a job soon, but for now, I need the help.

8 months ago - 18 likes

Thank you to everyone who donated. Most of my bills are paid, traffic ticket included, and those that aren't can wait for a bit while I get some help from a few friends.

8 months ago - 9 likes

Hey guys…I’m currently editing the anniversary review, but right now I need your help again. My hours got cut at work, and on top of that, I also got a traffic ticket I need to take care of. So whatever you can donate, it would help.

1 year ago - 3 likes

Hi folks. I try not to do this too often, but money’s gotten kinda tight for me lately, and right as I’m about to go on a trip. So if you could, please donate to my ko-fi here:

2 years ago - 14 likes

I know I've been relatively quiet in terms of video production, but I've actually got a few of them written. And I'm working on another as we speak.

It's just that the last anime I watched really drained my energy. It was a SLOG. So it took me a while to write.

2 years ago - 13 likes

So, I'm feeling kinda sick and I can't record the two reviews I was planning on for November at the moment.

But, I think you'll like what I'm editing right now instead...

2 years ago - 15 likes

You may be wondering what’s been going on with my channel. Well, due to…difficulties with my new apartment, I haven’t really had it in me to film a new video, at least not yet.

Also I still haven’t finished the next series I was going to review yet, so there’s that. And it’s a series I really wanted to do justice to, so it might take a while.